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I discovered some unguided Lum subs of M101 from earlier this year which I was using to check my new mount/scope combination (Esprit 150/GM1000HPS). So, I thought I'd see if I could use them to enhance an earlier M101 result from last year which was taken with a ED80/NEQ6. The LRGB +Ha image below consists of about 20 hours integration, 17 hours with the ED80 and 3 hours with the Esprit 150.  The Ha is blended into the red channel.

The image below was created using Registar to align the new Lum data from the Esprit 150 with the previous LRGB+Ha post processed result from the ED80.  I then post processed the two images in PS and Pixinsight, treating the the lower resolution (1.46 arc seconds/pixel) ED80 data as "RGB" and the higher resolution (0.7 arc seconds/pixel) data as Lum.    




LIGHTS: ED80: L:26,R:31:G:11,B:12 x 600s; Ha:12 x1200s. Esprit 150: L:4 x 600s, 4 x 1800s. DARKS:30; FLATS:40, BIAS:100 all at -20C. 

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