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2017 scout evening


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Hi all.


back in 2015 i did a little science and astronomy weekend for the scouts in basildon, and considering it been a while i was thinking of revisiting this and run another session where scouts etc can get to see and use some equipment and earn their astronomy badges.

the scouts have a large field in Langdon hills ( Kingston ridge ) which is easily accessible and away from many of the town and local lights.

(Camping maybe possible if i can organise it)

would people be interested in setting up a session  later this year?


just feeling what the uptake might be like






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Got out last night. The date on the handset stated 25/4/2017 was the last time I was out with it.....nuts. oh, and the clouds decided to ruin the evening @1:30am....at least its a start to get back into it!

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  • 5 months later...

hi guys 

back on the beg again, as i’ve now settled a date for the new scouts STEM weekend and i’m looking at the 22nd Sept. it’ll be really good if i can intise you guys too show your wares :-)


thanks as always



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hi guys - great to hear your still about, and will indeed post a reminder closer to the date.

in the meantime i’ve got a raft of planning to do, and testing my tracking mount to make sure it all works :-)

same place as last time, and if I time it right it’ll be hotdogs all round during the evening / night :-)

cheers guys


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  • 5 months later...

Hi guys - just a reminder that if you willing and able, I’d be really happy if you’d be onboard with another event. I’m also looking to do a couple of dry runs at the site (overnighters) if your interested (in August)

We’ve got our mobile planetarium booked to get the kids all clued up and interested.




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Hi Guys - I have been quietly enjoying my astro hobby from the safety of my back garden these last few years. I really don't know how much longer my wife can stand listening to me bang on about all things astro. And so, I would be keen to meet up with some like minded people.

I currently have an Advance VX mount and for viewing/Lunar and planetary imaging I use the EDGE 8"SCT with a nice selection of X-CEL eyepieces. For DSO work I use the SkyWatcher ED80. I am currently just building my up my rig for guiding. All imaging with an unmodded Canon DSLR. I am by no means an expert in anything I do, all trial and error ?

I am based in Thurrock (just neat Lakeside). Sounds like you guys are in an around this area, have you found a particular spot with darker skies? That you are not likely to get mugged/stabbed or caught up in some bizarre [removed word] scenario!

Clear Skies


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Hi Kane, there is a place in Margaret roding just off the A1060 (it's detailed in the venturing out thread ) pretty good and away from casual passers by. I've never been there alone but always felt safe.

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im a back garden infrequent viewer, and now I have time on my hands (out of work at the moment)

i was thinking of that spot at rodding and going up in the near future, if anyonefancys getting together?

ive also plans for a scouting event on the 22nd September for a telescope night, at my local scout camp that knobby and blazer helped out before.. If your interested in that also drop me a note.. 



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Well I am on on holiday, but will be up for getting out soon. I have been looking at another site as well....though needs more testing during the winter to make sure its good enough. Happy to head out and meet up if once it starts getting darker.

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