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Scope tracking just drops out randomly - Sitech/Mesu/SGP


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Because you need to tell it to apply the profile to the sequence.  There are a number of reasons why, for a particular image, you might want to have things set slightly differently in a sequence.

I wonder if a house call might be necessary?   :happy11:

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I am still convinced that this is a meridian setting Steve.  It always happens there or therabouts.  You can set your Equipment profile to be the default one used at startup, so that NEW sequences will use that profile.  Or you can apply it to old sequences.  Or you can make a sequence and then apply the equipment profile.  Since you have three profiles you probabaly don't want to use a default setting since applying teh TEC profile to your FSQ will likely result in issues.  

Are you imaging M13 now Steve.  If so the scope presumably has flipped?

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Even now the scope is on the west and I can't get it to plate solve even though bling solve worked fine and said it was pointing West.  it should have flipped now.

i think I need to call time tonight I need to be up at 6.

Thanks Anyway Steve - you are a star.

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Something definitely amiss.  I just told scope  to slew to Deneb from CdC and it crashed into the pier......  It is mixed up and does not know what side of thew pier it is on... But the blind solve worked fine...

You are right  Steve, the Meridian flip is something to do with this.

I need to read up on the Control panel equipment profile and the Equipment profile on my gear and see why they were/are different.

Thanks again Steve, that bottle of Gin is with me! :)

Maybe I have never been imaging a transiting object before with the MESU and hence this is what would have always happened.

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If the scope is crashing into the pier something must be set incorrectly.  Maybe if someone took a look via TeamViewer.  More than happy to take a gander.  Sorry we couldn't get it running for you tonight.  

You can test out meridian flips and so forth during the day, of course.

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How can you test Merdiean Flips during the day Steve because you can't plate solve...... ????

Thanks for going to such lengths to help last night, I do so appreciate it.

I think we are on the right path though.  Everything was fine until we approached the meridian and all guiding was spot on.  The hypothesis of the approaching meridian seems to fit all observed problems.  I definitely had meridian Flip set against the equipment profile.  I then imaged with that profile thinking it woudl be set in the control panel.  However, upon looking at control panel Meridian flip was not set...   I thought Control panel always reflected the equipment profile unless you told it otherwise.  I can play around with this during the day.



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I turned off Plate Solve after flip.  Then I would slew just to one side of the meridian using SiTech's built-in SkyView program.  Of course you won't be accurately aligned, but for the purpose of testing that doesn't matter.  I would fire off frames in SGP (it doent matter what they look like - keep the scope lid on).  As the meridian approaches it should flip, as per your settings.  If it doesn't, try different settings then slew to a different star just to one side of the meridian, then start all over.  Incidentally, my SkyView screen looks like this - what does yours look like?  (Note the Green and Blue dotted lines.)


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Just an update on this.  I've acquired a new imaging capture PC to go onto my pier with 10 x USB2 ports so I can eliminate USB hubs completely.  I am going to rebuild and re-cable my rig and reinstall all astro SW onto that new PC.  Will then revisit this tracking dropping problem and test the pier flip during the day.

Notice you are on 9.5 FW Steve - did yo upgrade that yourself or did it come with that from MESU?

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I bought a new Win 10 netbook to run my new imaging setup with just astro software installed and once it was all running nicely I switched off the WiFi connection to stop MS trashing it.

I think this is a good idea unless you need to use the internet for plate solving or time synchronisation.



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Got new imaging PC in place and one by one reconnected all the gear cables to it.  All good.

In daytime dummy run, ignoring SGP and just using CdC and syncing the scope to a dummy "guesstimate where Rigel is" position,  if I align the scope to just east of the meridian then the peer is on the West side of the peer correctly.  If then slew to *just* west of the meridian (i.e a few minutes of arc) scope stays on the West (presumably because of the Sitech settings I have in the "Overpole" and "Underpole").  Stray much beyond that though and try to sync on an object West of the meridian and the scope peer flips. So that means that from at least a CdC and Sitech -  and more importantly from a MESU mechanical perspective - the scope/mount is peer flipping properly.

Steve (Gnomus) why are your over pole settings at 7:00:00?  7 hours is that past the meridian or 7 degrees?

So, next need to try doing the dummy imaging to see if it flips as per your suggestion Steve.

Looks good tonight but got Nottingham Cycle Live 125 mile bike ride tomorrow so won't be out of bed much past 10:30 and won't be dark by then.

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Great stuff, thanks Steve, I thought as much but thought wise to check and that makes perfect sense.  Going to play around with this a bit more.  Mine is set to 1 degree, and the scope peer flips if I stray more than that past the meridian.  So it all adds up.  You've been correct all the time on this so far and the Gin is in the drinks cabinet (looking very tempting I must say.... ;)  )

Where I struggle a bit is the interaction of SGP with the Sitech drivers and the Underpole/overpole settings. Which one is the master?  So, if I have peer flip 1 minute past the meridian set in SGP and I am say 8 minutes into a 15 minute sub, what takes precedence? The Sitech driver which may say "I need to flip to prevent a crash"?  Or SGP which says, "I'm 8 minutes into a 15 min sub so leave me alone"???????  Something must take precedence or else there is a race condition...

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Think of it this way.  Your SGP setting says 'Don't even try to flip, until one minute past the meridian.  If SGP is part way into an exposure (even if It has just started one) - hey no worries.  SGP will wait until the end of its exposure before flipping'.  Now you need to make sure that Sitech can track for 1 minute plus your longest anticipated exposure (let us say 20 minutes).  So set up Sitech so that it can track at least 21 minutes past the meridian.  Throw in a minute or two for good luck.  Sidereal rate is ~1 degree every 4 minutes.  So to be able to go 21 minutes past, you need to set Sitech to +/- 6 degrees (24 mins). I wanted to try 30 minute subs - hence my 7 degree numbers.

Do make sure your rig can go the number of degrees past that you set in Sitech without it hitting the pier.  


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And to look at it another way, there is no Master.  Once SiTech gets to its over/under setting, it will just stop UNLESS some clever program (like SGP) has told it to flip before it gets there.  You were stopping because Sitech was getting to its limits before it had been told to flip.  That is why your mount wouldn't track and you got trails.

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