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.... is the sun looking a bit boring in both White Light and Ha?

Only tiny proms and a few filaments around, nothing very dramatic though. Still having a look between the grey stuff.

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There is not that much going on. Just a few faculae in WL, and similar patches in Ca-K. H-alpha is showing a bit more, but little in the way of proms. The area of faculae in WL on the western side of the disk is showing some intricate detail, however. Seeing was good enough to pick out spicules quite easily, I found

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43 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

There is not that much going on. Just a few faculae in WL, and similar patches in Ca-K. H-alpha is showing a bit more, but little in the way of proms. The area of faculae in WL on the western side of the disk is showing some intricate detail, however. Seeing was good enough to pick out spicules quite easily, I found

Maybe that's the problem Michael, my seeing is not really up to picking out the finer detail, and that is what's providing the interest at the moment.

Shame, I've got the scopes side by side on the AZEQ5 at the moment, it's nice to have tracking for once.

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Yesterday I was at the Festival of Nature in Bristol trying to show folks the Sun in white and H-Alpha light. When clouds allowed we did get some viewing but the disk was pretty featureless in both wavelengths and rather underwhelming :rolleyes2:

We ended up showing the top of the spire of St Mary Redcliffe church with my ED120 at 90x and that seemed to impress people rather more !

Good days outreach all the same - plenty of interest in the hobby still out there :smiley:

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54 minutes ago, John said:

Yesterday I was at the Festival of Nature in Bristol trying to show folks the Sun in white and H-Alpha light. When clouds allowed we did get some viewing but the disk was pretty featureless in both wavelengths and rather underwhelming :rolleyes2:

We ended up showing the top of the spire of St Mary Redcliffe church with my ED120 at 90x and that seemed to impress people rather more !

Good days outreach all the same - plenty of interest in the hobby still out there :smiley:

That's a shame John. My group were due to do something similar at Painshill Park in Cobham but postponed it due to expected cloud. Typically it was beautifully clear, but actually given the lack of activity I'm quite glad we did hold off.

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Back to intermittent sunshine here, pretty variable seeing though. Some better views of the detail seen every now and then but quite underwhelming.

Here is today's setup anyway.


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