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26/05/2017 Report


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Well I think its time to throw a dust sheet over my scope for the summer. Just came in (didnt even bother getting the scope out of the garage where it was cooling). The light pollution is rediculous. Or is it light pollution, I am begining to wonder. The sky towards the north sort of is very bright almost as if the sun will be rising soon. The sky safari type app i have on my phone shows the direction the sun takes when it sets and then where it is at midnight (below the horizon obviously but below where the sky is bright).

So basically there is a patch of sky towards the south which I could class as dark enough to see the stars clearly but as this area of sky is not visable from my observing location (due to the house) i cannot point the scope this way.

So any ideas what this could be, is it just very bad light pollution or is it due to the sun. I am trying to observe at around midnight. The sun will rise at about half 4.

It is very frustrating not being able to take the scope out untill winter :(

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Know what you mean,  just been trying for a few comet shots and I can see my way around the garden without a head-torch.....

It is annoying we get the clear skies when we can't really use them....

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The last two nights have been great for Jovian observing, from dusk until 1.30 am, when I quit, after taking  in fine views of M13 & M92 . The sky was  dark and packed with interest.No complaints here.:happy11:


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I have to put it down to light pollution then. I wish i could take a decent picture showing how light the sky is :) 

Its got to the point where I am struggling to even make out constallations now!!

Anyone want to buy a telescope :):)

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