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Auto focus and Plate Solving


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My head is spinning around and around.  Between these 2 tasks, there seems to be dozens of options.  I use Maxim DL but I also own SGP--just never have used it.  I image with an SBIG dual chip camera (self guiding), which complicates guiding with PHD and SGP).  I like Maxim for acquisition and guiding, but I like SGP's auto focus in the fact that it uses the FOV.  I can use one or the other--not both (even though the camera/filter wheel has 2 sensors, it can only interface with 1 program). Clear nights are very few and far between.  I am a slow learner.  I get pretty good focus with the B-mask, but one can't really know just how good without a comparison.  Hopping from ship to ship is not something that appeals to me.  Maybe if it was clear every night--but that is not the case.  So--is switching from Maxim to SGP really worth it for autofocus, is autofocus really worth switching to?  Is Maxims Pinpoint LE good enough for plate solving?  Or Astro Tortilla, Pinpint, Maxpoint or others (there are several options).  Getting CCD camander, autipilot...ETC. Trial and error has stopped being fun.  So, what are the best options for autofocus and plate solving.  I have great gear and I feel the software is letting it down.



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I am a great fan of MaxIm Dl but appreciate that it isn't for everyone. For the last year or so, I have been using MaxIm's built is SharpStar autofocus routine as part of my automated imaging project and find it very effective indeed. It is true that I slew to a suitable magnitude 6.0 nearby star to autofocus on but this is simple using plate solving for accuracy which also answers your second question - PinPoint LE works fine in this role although I actually use the full, paid for version of PinPoint as I needed to buy it for use with FocusMax. FocusMax is 'OK' but I found it pretty flaky to be honest so I gave MaxIm's built in autofocuser a try and haven't looked back. I use CCD Commander to carry out my skew to the guide star and back again with plate solves in between but then I am fully automated!

If autofocus is your only issue and you like MaxIm DL, then I don't see a need to transfer to SG Pro. However, there is no denying that SG Pro does offer much in the way of automation BUT it doesn't support MaxIm which for me is a major downside.

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Like Steve I use Maxim and the full version of PinPoint although I'm not automated it all plays happily together.

Also bought FM4 but found it too fiddly and sometimes it wouldn't start up or demanded that I click on run as admin every time to start it.


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Just now, swag72 said:

Why don't you use FocusMax? http://www.ccdware.com/products/focusmax/ Auto focus for Maxim and then you can stick with the program that you currently use..... Just a thought :)

Yeah--that's an option.  Don't know if its the best option if I want to plate solve.  If switching to SGP didn't require getting a different camera I would probably try it.  It seems I have made a mess of the software side of things so i have zero confidence in my ability to decide.  

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2 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Yeah--that's an option.  Don't know if its the best option if I want to plate solve.  If switching to SGP didn't require getting a different camera I would probably try it.  It seems I have made a mess of the software side of things so i have zero confidence in my ability to decide.  

I don't think that anyone can really make that decision for you...... ask 5 different people (or start a thread!) and you'll get nothing more than 5 different people's opinions. Will Maxim do all that you want it to do? If the answer is yes..... and it sounds like you can use Maxims own routine for focus so you don't need to buy another bolt on...... then why try something else? 

I think that in reality we are probably too scared to see other people using other stuff, doing other things and think that we are somehow missing a trick. If both software programs can do what you need then I'm afraid that only you can decide which is best for your needs and situation at the end of the day. Just because SGP suits me and Maxim suits Steve, which one will you go for? You need to weigh up a load of different things to make the decision.

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One of the big problems I have is plate solving--I don't know how to do it!  I have Maxim DL, which has Pinpoint LE (so I am told).  With Maxim DL-can I autofocus and plate solve with what I have.  Is it just a matter of learning how to do it?  How long does it take to slew to a star, focus plate solve and slew back to your precise framing.  When all goes well it takes me 10 min manually--maybe 15.

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1 minute ago, Rodd said:

One of the big problems I have is plate solving--I don't know how to do it!  ......

So you need to learn!! And if you use SGP you will need to learn that too. Maxim and SGP will both plate solve and will both auto focus.

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1 minute ago, swag72 said:

...... then why try something else? 


Well--it started by wanting to auto focus, but not wanting to continue to manually slew to a focus star then have to manually slew back to my target AND manually frame it using a dozen 3 sec subs and small movements using manual slew.  It works fine, but it is nerve wracking.  Enter plate solving and the potential to auto focus on the FOV.  I guess if I go through the trouble of learning autofocus, I should learn plate solving.  If Maxim can plate solve and autofocus, I guess it  is the first thing to try.

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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Like Steve I use Maxim and the full version of PinPoint although I'm not automated it all plays happily together.

Also bought FM4 but found it too fiddly and sometimes it wouldn't start up or demanded that I click on run as admin every time to start it.


Thanks Dave--I think Maxim and Pinpoint light will be my first try.  Have not heard of FM4

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29 minutes ago, swag72 said:

FocusMax V4 as per my link posted a few posts above.

Sara--I think I am going to try SGP.  remember that PHD patch for SBIG dual chip cameras  and the delay in guide commands?  At the time I think this was new and untested,m so i went the Maxim route.  I have been told that the delay is not significant, and as you know, SGP works great (specifically the auto focus and plate solving).  Since the patch is free, and I already have SGP--it makes sense for me to try due to the issues I am having with my SBIG self guiding filter wheel.  Since its pertinent to my decision I will explain.  I have been having trouble with the wheel--it frequently jams when I try to change filters.  i have sent it back 3 times and they keep telling me it works fine.  Assuming they are correct, the problem must therefore be with either my computer, or Maxim.  My computer was diagnosed healthy by computer people, as was my camera, so maybe its Maxim for some reason (cables are fine), can't really be the scopes or mount.  If they send me the wheel back without solving the issue (beginning to look like this is what is going to happen), trying SGP will be a good way to determine if it is in fact Maxim to blame.  If my wheel works with SGP...you will have to welcome me to the family.  At that point I will gladly jump ship!

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I think that focusing without moving to a specific star is a bonus and as this double slewing is concerning you and you already have others issues AND you already have SG Pro, you have nothing to lose by a trial ship-jump! In either case there is a learning curve to counter.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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4 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

I think that focusing without moving to a specific star is a bonus and as this double slewing is concerning you and you already have others issues AND you already have SG Pro, you have nothing to lose by a trial ship-jump! In either case there is a learning curve to counter.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Thanks Steve--my only question would be I purchased SGP over a year ago and have not used it--I am sure there are periodic updates and/or bug removals or other tweaks  which I have missed out on.  I have received numerous emails over the year from SGP that I have not paid much attention to.     Could that be a problem?  I am hoping it won't be.


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And...so it starts! I guess my SGP still works--opened fine.  But I was prompted that a new version exists.  If I download the new version it tells me that the folder to which it will be saved already exists--should I save it there anyway or choose another?  No reason to have both versions.  Will it overwrite the old version automatically, or should I uninstall SGP first?   But that may tell the new version that my computer does not have a license and not install it at all!


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Take a look at this handy guide for starting (or restarting) out with SGPro. It goes through a tutorial of your first week (though of course you can do it quicker or slower):

http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/content/SGP-The First Week.pdf

The only thing I would say about the guide is don't use the demo version of PinPoint for plate solving. SGPro comes with PlateSolve2 and this works very well, straight out the box. It just needs the right starting parameters for your scope/camera and for you to download the star catalogues for the right image scale(s). Details here: http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/Content/SGPHelp/SequenceGeneratorPro.html?Framing.html

I find the SGPro online manual really easy to use: http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/Support and there is a PDF manual for offline reading: http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/content/Sequence Generator Pro.pdf

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12 minutes ago, Filroden said:

Take a look at this handy guide for starting (or restarting) out with SGPro. It goes through a tutorial of your first week (though of course you can do it quicker or slower):

http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/content/SGP-The First Week.pdf

The only thing I would say about the guide is don't use the demo version of PinPoint for plate solving. SGPro comes with PlateSolve2 and this works very well, straight out the box. It just needs the right starting parameters for your scope/camera and for you to download the star catalogues for the right image scale(s). Details here: http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/Content/SGPHelp/SequenceGeneratorPro.html?Framing.html

I find the SGPro online manual really easy to use: http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/Support and there is a PDF manual for offline reading: http://www.mainsequencesoftware.com/content/Sequence Generator Pro.pdf

Thanks Ken.   Now, if only there was a way to enhance the flavor of learning curves!:help:

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I see the Pinpoint astrometric engine is a free 60 day thing--I never registered but long have lapsed 60 days.  How much is it after 60 days?  This is need for plate solving no?  I thought it was a self contained package

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PlateSolve 2 is free and is as good as Pinpoint. I use Pinpoint on one PC and Platesolve 2 on the other..... If anything I think that PlateSolve 2 is a little quicker. Don't buy Pinpoint to run with SGP, nor bother with the free trial.

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6 minutes ago, Rodd said:

I see the Pinpoint astrometric engine is a free 60 day thing--I never registered but long have lapsed 60 days.  How much is it after 60 days?  This is need for plate solving no?  I thought it was a self contained package

SGPro can use three plate solvers. It comes with PlateSolve2 and it works well. I would not bother with Pinpoint. It's just extra cost for something SGPro can already do.

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8 minutes ago, Rodd said:

I see the Pinpoint astrometric engine is a free 60 day thing--I never registered but long have lapsed 60 days.  How much is it after 60 days?  This is need for plate solving no?  I thought it was a self contained package

150.00$  :eek: from this side of the pond so if you don't need it don't buy it.


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It's probably worth adding that I learnt SGPro in stages:

  • Creating imaging sequences (interface can be confusing but simple once used)
  • Auto-focus (this took me an hour or two to work through and find the right step size, etc)
  • Guiding with PHD2 (worked first time...way too easy)
  • Plate solving (about an hour to download catalogues and set it the configuration)
  • Dithering (very easy)
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