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Updating Synscan Hand controller


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Just bought a Synscan AZ mount and trying to upgrade the software to the new version with the Solar tracking mode.

Unfortunatly not having much success. I have done this plenty of times before so know how to do it.

Get it all connected and start the download. But each time it reaches 25.5% of the download it comes up with a error code. Download failed reboot power.

Each time I reboot it starts again and then stops again at 25.5% of the download and repeats the error code.

I have used the battery pack and also a 240v/12v connecter.

Seems strange it should keep stopping at the 25%  point

Any suggestions please



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Delete the downloaded firmware and re-download in case it is corrupted.

Double check the downloaded firmware is really the right one for your version of handset, Iv'e tried to load a version incompatible with my version handset before and it too reaches 25% to 30% uploaded and then fails.

Make sure USB power management is turned off for all the USB (internal) hubs listed under USB devices in Windows device manager.

Make sure any A.V. software is temporarily turned off firewalls disabled and network connections disabled. Make sure Windows file indexing is turned off. Disable any incremental backup software that may be running i.e. Acronis etc.

Try booting the host PC in safe mode with USB support, try to see if the updater software will run in safe mode, if it needs low level drivers it won't but if you are lucky it may run ok in safe mode.

Try a different, i.e. older, laptop or PC that uses a slower CPU.

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On 05/05/2017 at 13:43, ngwillym said:

One other thing to try is to lower the COM port speed


On 05/05/2017 at 14:54, valleyman said:

The hand set now is dead so going to see if I can find a older version of the Firmware to load.

Following on from ngwillym's post did you try this:



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This may seem a bit simple and you might have tried it already but when I had the same problem I used a new USB to RS-232 serial converter cable. Got it from Maplins, a bit expensive but much better quality than the one I had (e-bay special).

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5 hours ago, valleyman said:

Tried everything now and still no joy.

Good news is it will be cloudy today :)

It's certainly an odd one. It doesn't help that there are at least two different versions of the bootloader on the SW site.

I added a COM serial port to my PC's motherboard (very easy as it has a serial header) and used the cable that came with the mount, so no futzing around with USB.

I guess if it's going to be replaced that's great, just please don't pray for more clouds! It's sunny here at the moment...

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The strange part of all this is that it does start the download and reaches 25.05% before stopping and saying I should reboot the power and try again.

I have tried every combination of Firmware and Loader all with the same result.

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I bought the cable and the adapter because did not have right connection in my computer failed every time at 25% luckily my son was going to try it 8n his and realised had right connection without the USB adapter went straight to 100% no messing 8 would try that. 

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