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Jupiter Animation

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This is an animation showing the rotation of Jupiter and the movement of the four Galilean moons. Taken between 12:04am and 1:49AM on 02/05/2017. Equipment used was a Skywatcher 200p on an AstroEQ Vixen GP. I used an Astro Engineering 2x Barlow with an extension tube for a focal length of about 3000mm. Images were taken with an Altair GPCAM V1 using Sharpcap. The seeing was poor but there was no clouds for a change:


I've included the avi as it's much better quality. This is a reprocess of my data from another post (in planetary imaging) that was cropped so only one moon was visible. The image was processed with PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax and GIMP. The frames are a result of 2 minute captures at 5 minute intervals.



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19 minutes ago, Chefgage said:

Excellent :) I especially like how you can see the moons rotating

Thanks, I don't think it's rotation of the moons you're seeing though. It'll be there effects of earth's atmosphere and the processing in post to brighten the moons. There were some frames were the moons were a lot fainter than in others due to seeing.

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13 minutes ago, cuivenion said:

Thanks, I don't think it's rotation of the moons you're seeing though. It'll be there effects of earth's atmosphere and the processing in post to brighten the moons. There were some frames were the moons were a lot fainter than in others due to seeing.

Sorry its my explanations causing confusion again :)

what i meant was i like how you can see the moons movement as they orbit around jupiter 

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I saw this on the phone last night. I really like this. 

I find it incredible that we can, from our back gardens, watch four alien worlds revolving arond Jupiter. 

Big thumbs up from me! 



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16 hours ago, cuivenion said:

Thanks Ant. The equipment available for amateur astronomers nowadays is amazing, it's a great time to be in the hobby!

Well said! It's almost unbelievable.

If anyone would like to know which Moon is which, here's a neat little software-program which fits the bill (free, of course!):


Beautiful job!


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