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Obsession! uncrating....

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18 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Won't matter if you can't see the sky, I just go for the Hog roast, Curry and the Craic.

Oh and the drink :drunken_smilie:


Too true Dave, sometimes these things are about meeting up rather than the absolute quality of the sky. Having said that, if we get nights like we had at SGL10 then it would be fine with me.

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50 minutes ago, Stu said:

Too true Dave, sometimes these things are about meeting up rather than the absolute quality of the sky. Having said that, if we get nights like we had at SGL10 then it would be fine with me.

I agree with this. We have had some great skies at the SGL star parties over the years I've been there but even more importantly great times and shared experiences :icon_biggrin:

I'm very grateful that some folks did bring really large scopes along to allow the rest of us to get a taste of what large aperture / dark skies combined can produce in the way of DSO views :icon_salut:

It would be a shame if they restricted their outings to the most pristine skies only.


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1 hour ago, Alien_Photons said:

Did it go through front door?

What went through your mind when you lifted the cover on the main mirror when you got home?

Thanks all ?

It would have gone through the front door, but it was easier to take around the side of the house and in to the conservatory than negotiate around furniture!!

Taking the cover was a mix of excitement and trepidation...  Had it survived the journey, did it look ok, and could I handle it..... It looks very exposed compared with a standard dob!

The movement seems smooth (just 10 minutes on the patio in the hope of cloud break, before I feared it might rain!).

I'll need to get to grips with balance.

It hasn't got a shroud - it'll certainly need one! I'll get a dew heater for the secondary too.  

Although I can lift the virtual mirror box, it is a heavy mirror, so I may well buy/build some wheelbarrow handles/wheels to just roll into the shed on the patio for short term storage.  It is designed for them (current ones come with them as standard, so not sure why  it hasn't got them..) so should be straightforward ☺️

The crate is very robust, and the mirror box fits snugly.  But that makes it difficult for me to reach down in and provide enough leverage to get it out safely.  So I won't be doing that alone!  

I can however assemble it alone ? and I think there are a few things I can do to make it easier.

I'll need just a small step (or platform shoes) for reaching zenith.

So first impressions are good, and it will certainly take up less room for storagd and travel.

I've got a dissertation to finish by Friday though, so must resist the urge to play too much!!!!  

Full first light report will follow in due course


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I may now qualify as junior dob mob member??

We've christened it Dobbie (well with the sock ??).

I agree with the comments about star parties, being social as well as viewing.  It is great to catch up with friends and talk to people whose eyes don't glaze over when we talk astro! 

I also love looking at everyone's equipment - and particularly the handcrafted dobs ☺️  So Damian I'm sorry not to get a chance to meet your masterpiece ? (oh, and you ?)

I might try to get to a dark sky observing meet though!



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