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NGC2174 Monkey Head with an ED80


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Hi everybody.

I hope you guys can take another one of my pictures. Only this past week i have had the time to catch up on data since January. Don't you get the idea i invented a clear-sky device or something....

This time its the monkey head, even if i really fail to see the monkey head! maybe somebody can help me with that one :)

I have processed it in my usual tone mapping approach, even if with this target its not really necessary, as its pretty bright!, even the OIII is very dominant in the center.
I honestly did not do a lot to this data, i just combined it, and little sharpening here, little curves there. The data didn't need much magic (i think thats a good sign? :) )

Any feedback, positive or negative very welcome! 


Kind regards, Graem

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11 hours ago, Thalestris24 said:

Very nice! You have to rotate your image 90 deg anti-clockwise - then you can see the monkey head/face! :)



11 hours ago, Kinch said:


Ok, i think i see it. Its sitting sidewards and looking over its shoulder back at something. Right?

11 hours ago, RichLD said:

Love it Graem - great detail and nice colour - another winner! :thumbsup:

Thank you Richard!

10 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

Very nice. 

Thank you for your kind words.


No criticism around? If you would have to criticize something, what would it be?

Kind regards, Graem

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