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2" filter slider - any good value ones out there?


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Does anybody know of a source for a good value slider for 2" filters?  Looking to mount one perhaps on the inside of the tube of my dob so I can slide filters in and out of the optical path easily, without having to swap the between eyepieces.  Something like this:


But I don't fancy paying €200 for what is a relatively simple contraption (albeit with some precision machining needed for threads etc).

Any ideas?



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50 minutes ago, Demon Barber said:

Paul,here is a link for the original http://www.astrocrumb.com/  filter slide: 

Roger the owner of the site is a great ideas man, he will sort you out,



Thanks mike. Looks good.

2 hours ago, Moonshane said:

Don't filters dew up with these?

My thinking was to mount it on the inside of the OTA behind the focusser.  Should be some protection there at least. I thought those filters you flogged me were dew-proof, Shane?! :icon_biggrin:

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14 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Does anybody know of a source for a good value slider for 2" filters?  Looking to mount one perhaps on the inside of the tube of my dob so I can slide filters in and out of the optical path easily, without having to swap the between eyepieces.  Something like this:


But I don't fancy paying €200 for what is a relatively simple contraption (albeit with some precision machining needed for threads etc).

Any ideas?



And I thought these things were woefully over-priced here! €200 for that? Lordy! I'm a utter 'filter-nut' with over 40 of these things, and I haven't bought one. I just screw the filter I want in the snout of my diagonal (not on a Dob, of course), and away I go.

No wonder you're still looking, Paul - I'll keep my eyes open for something to help. I'll go add it to my To-Do List,


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  • 1 month later...

Another alternative, (if you can afford some in focus), is screwing the filters to extension tubes and leaving them on there. Then all you do is insert the ext tube with filter attached into your focuser, then put your desired EP into the ext tube and rack it in until you reach focus. I do this with my 10" reflector and it works good.

If you *can* afford the *in focus*, the best alternative is a filter wheel. The filters are not exposed to the elements and won't dew up. Easy access by just turning a wheel and you're good to go. My way is the cheap and easy way if you only have two or three.



Filters on 2 inch ext tubes.JPG

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