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PuWe1 faint PN in Lynx


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This is a VERY faint PN discovered only a few years back in 1980. It is one of the largest (just under the apparent size of the full moon, diameter 4ly), closest (~1200ly) and faintest PNs. The Ha is super faint, the OIII is super duper faint.

Subs gathered over the last couple of weeks. 25 x 20min each of Ha and OIII with a handful of 3min R, G and B for the stars. There is an outer OIII halo which my subs are just beginning to show but need to be stretched so far that the noise is too much and just makes a mess of things. More OIII needed then but only on the clearest of clear nights!!

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Admirable! Nicely unusual and a total success. I'm sure you've wrung the poor old planetary's neck to get this far but it doesn't look as if you have and the background sky and stars show no sign of torture! A case of making it look easy when I'm quite sure it wasn't...


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Thanks for your comments guys.

You are right Olly, the PN needed plenty of processing to get it to show anything. This is a single 20 min Ha sub with a massive white point adjust and then black up a bit just to give an idea of how little there is to show for 20mins.


Probably one better suited to your dark sky.

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