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Jupiter - 08/08/08


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Tried for a lightened,brightened and reduced saturation version in Photoshop. Also applied a blue filter in the hope of bringing out a bit more detail..... mixed result on my screen as the disc looks to have elongated. :scratch: Perhaps another attempt at higher resolution would look better.



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Cheers CW. The colours look far more natural. The elongation is probably my hamfisted attempt using the Elliptical marquee tool to get rid of the fuzziness surrounding the image. :hello2:

This one is straight out of registax, mild wavelets and resized 200%

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Nice image there!

I used to do all my avi stackign in K3CCD, then open the jpg in registax to do the rgb align, and then into PS.

But there is a way in PS to do the aligning, and its more accurate than registax.

You need to go into the Channels tab, and select the mover tool. You can then nudge the channels around with the cursor keys.

I find it helpful to use the green channel for reference, and align the red and blue seperately with that. The colours then just jump right out dont they, and the extra detail.



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Thanks for that TJ :thumbright:

I’ll have a play with the PS RGB align.

I’m a complete Newb when it comes to imaging so any criticism / advice is greatly appreciated...

I’ve got a 16 bit TIFF (pre wavelets) if anyone fancies a fiddle?

For interest, why do you use K3CCD for stacking and not Registax?



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