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First attempt at Venus - didn't expect this


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Have very recently started imaging and learning all the time. Last night Venus was looking a possible target but I couldn't face standing outside so did what you shouldn't and imaged through double-glazing at an acute angle.

My equipment is a long way from ideal for imaging Venus so was expecting to discard the results but thought it worth practicing nevertheless: 72 mm refractor with x3 Barlow and GPCAM Mono.

The results took me by surprise and I wonder if anyone can clarify what the surface/cloud feature is? You can clearly see the reflection from the double-glazing but I wasn't expecting the darker band and the subtle shading. I took 3x2000 frames a few minutes apart as the sky got darker, joined them in PIPP and processed the overall best 500 in AviStack.


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I think you have three images of Venus overlaid on top of each other.

The faint one bottom right then two closely aligned, this causes the dark line which is actually the outer edge of one image.

The shading towards the top left looks good though.

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Thanks for the feedback - multiple reflections were indeed the culprit. So this evening I tried again but outside this time. It's certainly pushing what my equipment can reveal before the pixels become obvious but at least it's a less ambiguous but unrevealing image. 


Venus 2.png

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