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17 amp power tank with a mount


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I've used a Celestron one for about 3 years. Works flawlessly and never had any issues. Typically get more than enough juice to power the mount for two nights (4-6 hours each including powering several dew heaters) and hasn't showed signs of being close to running out. You need to make sure you charge them, especially if not in use for a few months to avoid a complete discharge and the down side of the battery is it can take a full day to charge back up to maximum. 

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26 minutes ago, Taff said:

My mount is a NEQ6 and my scope is a 8'' reflector.What i like to know do the power pack have usb port to run a laptop on.Mark

Im sure you could run a laptop from a 17Ah battery as long as you make sure the voltage matches the laptop's input voltage. Maybe I am misunderstanding something here but you can't run a laptop from the 5V usb. Do you mean a tablet?

To answer the original question, I run my high magnification setup (EQ5 pro, 150 Skymax and Canon 550D) using a 17Ah motorcycle battery, not problems at all even after 8 hours).



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If you want to start running a laptop from it too you need to think of a battery with much greater capacity. If you are doing minimal slewing around and just tracking a few targets for several hours it will be fine; anything else I'd look for something woth more capacity.


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