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12" Dob First Light


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Dave, I well remember my first light with my 3 inch refractor back in about 1975, frosty as hell but it didn't stop me. We have a first frost on the cards for tonight and I can tell there is not much chance of it clearing this evening, tomorrow early doors looks positive from about 04.00 onwards but I will be in bed for sure.


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Hello Dave. Nice first report. Very happy you are enjoying going into big dob territory (not Monster dobs at 20" though"Faulksy"?). When you start going at about 12" Dob territory and  then IMO you are getting a great all round scope. I have a frac and I love the sharp crisp views. But for a great all round scope for planetary, lunar,and DSO then a 12" Dob is the way to go IMO . It's still portable enough to set up and use without killing yourself, cool down time is sensible for the mirrors. And such a powerful and useful aperture to have. And above that they are sensible money nowerdays. So good choice for  a person wanting that bit extra of a scope and a very decent and cost effective aperture to go for. I hope you have lots of fun and pleasure.☺

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Thanks!  I almost went for the 14" but I opted in the end for the 12" and having a Moonlite focuser and the extras for still less than the cost of the 14".  It is sufficient aperture I think that will serve me well for a considerable time.  Looking forward now to getting on with the Herschel 400 list as well as revisiting many of the Messier and NGC objects that are more interesting to tease out more detail.

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