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The EQ3 DSO Challenge

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Excellent, I may go for one of those after all and save my £££ foir a Ha filter..

What's the longest exposure you can get?

Just a thought - have you tried using the Altair drivers with it?

Edited by Stub Mandrel
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15 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

What's the longest exposure you can get?

That's a question I don't know how to answer. If you look at the post in DIY Astronomer (https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/292376-low-cost-ar0130-guide-camera/) you will see that there looks to be some sort of automatic exposure control in operation that shows the brightest star but no more. OK for guiding but other types of imaging have different requirements. Can't say I understand what is happening yet - any suggestions will be helpful - have tried disabling auto exposure without any obvious change. Changing gain just seemed to make the main star darker. 


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Sombrero galaxy

Not quite sure this is worthy of posting but this was a tricky thing for me to find so quite pleased all the same, and I didn't have long before trees and house roofs spoilt the fun.  Only about 12 x 30 sec ISO 800 plus bias.  


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36 minutes ago, bobro said:

That's a question I don't know how to answer. If you look at the post in DIY Astronomer (https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/292376-low-cost-ar0130-guide-camera/) you will see that there looks to be some sort of automatic exposure control in operation that shows the brightest star but no more. OK for guiding but other types of imaging have different requirements. Can't say I understand what is happening yet - any suggestions will be helpful - have tried disabling auto exposure without any obvious change. Changing gain just seemed to make the main star darker. 


Might be worth:

  1. Trying the altair driver
  2. Trying Sharpcap
  3. Asking robin in the sharpcap thread.
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I've been sitting on this pic for a few weeks now.  I think it might be my best yet....  I nailed the focus and managed to get some decent guiding going and the moon was far, far away....

27x3mins +darks, flats, bias.


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This looks like the thread for me. New to the hobby but own a SW 150PL on EQ3-2 with dual motors. I haven't got a clue what I'm doing or what a lot of the terminology means but I am gonna have a bash anyway. With the advent of digital it is so much easier and cheaper to take frames and delete if no good. So what ever happens it will certainly be an experience !!


Clear Skies

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31 minutes ago, Graham1962 said:

This looks like the thread for me. New to the hobby but own a SW 150PL on EQ3-2 with dual motors. I haven't got a clue what I'm doing or what a lot of the terminology means but I am gonna have a bash anyway. With the advent of digital it is so much easier and cheaper to take frames and delete if no good. So what ever happens it will certainly be an experience !!


Clear Skies

Hi Graham and welcome to the EQ3 DSO challenge. Plenty of advice here, and unfortunately plenty of clouds.  we will be happy to help you on your way.


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1 hour ago, mikey2000 said:

I've been sitting on this pic for a few weeks now.  I think it might be my best yet....  I nailed the focus and managed to get some decent guiding going and the moon was far, far away....

27x3mins +darks, flats, bias.


Great image Mikey, some fine detail. Well done.


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M57 Ring Nebula

 Approximately 30 x 30 sec lights, 30 x darks and bias, no flats, will try and add at some point, camera still on scope.  This was during nearly full moon and I think my focus was slightly off, had another go last night and got about an hours worth, so will process later. Full image and zoomed in, think it shows the remnant white dwarf, maybe wrong though. 




Edited by Peco4321
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Managed to get out and do some imaging a few nights ago in between the cloud blankets, it was a 99.8% full moon so I picked a target a good distance away: M51

I have been experimenting recently with shooting in RAW, but I'm afraid my computer is very old and simply can't cope with it, so alas this was shot in Normal quality jpeg. So this is 63x30 sec subs at ISO 3200 (total 31.5 mins) plus 25 darks and 35 flats... Typically had to throw away over half my subs, but that's normal for me operating without autoguiding... and all part of the fun!

Hope the colour balance looks ok... I always find there's a difference when viewed in browser and with varying devices... my favourite is the wider field shot but I've included a cropped version for those that like a close up.

Comments and critique welcomed. Enjoy, Art.



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A couple from last night, focus a little better this time on both M13 and M57, no flats, just 25 sec exposures (M13 approx. 40, M57 approx. 18), single exposure of satellite that I did not use!, ISO 1600, master dark and master bias from my last session.

M13 Satellite.jpg

M13 13th May.jpg

13th May.jpg

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1 hour ago, Art Gecko said:

Managed to get out and do some imaging a few nights ago in between the cloud blankets, it was a 99.8% full moon so I picked a target a good distance away: M51

I have been experimenting recently with shooting in RAW, but I'm afraid my computer is very old and simply can't cope with it, so alas this was shot in Normal quality jpeg. So this is 63x30 sec subs at ISO 3200 (total 31.5 mins) plus 25 darks and 35 flats... Typically had to throw away over half my subs, but that's normal for me operating without autoguiding... and all part of the fun!

Hope the colour balance looks ok... I always find there's a difference when viewed in browser and with varying devices... my favourite is the wider field shot but I've included a cropped version for those that like a close up.

Comments and critique welcomed. Enjoy, Art.



That's a fine image, good detail and colour, a great 30s exposure image. Consider this for the 30s challenge.

I also prefer the first image.

Well done


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1 hour ago, Peco4321 said:

A couple from last night, focus a little better this time on both M13 and M57, no flats, just 25 sec exposures (M13 approx. 40, M57 approx. 18), single exposure of satellite that I did not use!, ISO 1600, master dark and master bias from my last session.


A very nice M13 Peter. also worthy of the 30 second challenge.


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I had to wait between the onslaught of clouds to be able to get just 12 minutes of exposure on M104. This took 2 and a half hours to get and 30s was the exposure time in the gaps of clear sky.

24x30s with 20 dark, 20 flat and 50 bias. 150p unguided EQ3 and modified 1200D, DSS & Startools. Quite a large crop too as at 750mm focal length the galaxy is quite small.

I would like to get some longer exposures on this target, hopefully the weather will play the game too.




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2 hours ago, Nigel G said:

I had to wait between the onslaught of clouds to be able to get just 12 minutes of exposure on M104. This took 2 and a half hours to get and 30s was the exposure time in the gaps of clear sky.

24x30s with 20 dark, 20 flat and 50 bias. 150p unguided EQ3 and modified 1200D, DSS & Startools. Quite a large crop too as at 750mm focal length the galaxy is quite small.

I would like to get some longer exposures on this target, hopefully the weather will play the game too.




Nice shot Nige, the Sombrero is not an easy target from the UK, you must have a good view to the south!

I also agree with Peter, it's very worthy of the SGL challenge!

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