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M31, ST 80, DSLR, Star Adventurer


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On Sunday evening I set up the ST 80 on the star adventurer. Hooked up my Sony A57 and took 60 X 60 second subs and 25 darks. All at iso 800. Think my PA may have been slightly out but I feel this is probably me best attempt ever at this target. I actually want to re visit it again with even more subs or a higher iso. Or both. Lol. 


Thanks for looking :-)

M31 021016 60x60 iso 800 DSSM31 021016.jpeg

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Really nice achromat imaging, the ST80 is a feisty little scope that can :) 

I'm a hypocrite for saying this as I didn't take flats half the time....but....if you take some flats you'll be able to stretch more detail out without that vignetting gate crashing the party!

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