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Eastern Veil WIP


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My first real image from the DDM 60 rig.

10 x 10min subs self-guided, H-alpha through 3nm Astrodon with the SX 694. Megrez 90 + AFR IV

100 min unguided.png

Possibly still some tilt and spacing to be sorted out, but happy to have got this. Sigma stack in AA5, followed by three histogram stretches and a little low-pass filter for noise reduction. The framing is a bit off, I think due to C du C coordinates.

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Looks very promising. Great detail and nice stars but framing is slightly odd as you cut the nose of this crocodile (that is what this object reminds of) but I assume this is a test shot and you did not worry about framing

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I *think* Cartes du Ciel thought I was centred on the Eastern Veil, and the centre of the veil *does* look to be in the centre of the frame. Trouble is, the centre of the veil needs to be a bit above and to the right of the frame to be properly captured.

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Aha, great to now that we cannot trust computer programs to do the framing. My hope was that this would soon make my life easier. So far I have been doing the framing by looking at the back screen of my DSLR and spend some time with my body in awkward angles, waiting for the shutter to close and trying to figure out which of the four arrows to press on the hand control to move the object in the right direction....

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Thanks Paddy

Not sure whether to progress with that one as the framing is way off, and it's only 100 mins worth. I'll see what I can do if we get a clear night before it moves too far out of the way. I really want to see if there's any [NII] in there, as there often is in SNRs

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Some nice wispy detail captured, only using the objects in the 10Micron handset to find things so I usually try to find a star near the centre of the required frame and Goto that, it puts them bang on the centred crosshairs in Maxim.


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Yes, I think finding a suitable starcand using it as a target might be an idea. If I can persuade Sequence to behave I may be able to fudge the coordinates in that rather tha use Maxim.

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