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Deer Lick Group and Stephan's Quintet

Stub Mandrel

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I found these gems on Stellarium by accident. They are a concentration of galaxies at the top of Pegasus, near Delphinus, that are well worth imaging. The Deer leap galaxy has a nice blue halo even though it is almost side-on. The small galaxies to its left are known as the 'fleas'.

Stephan's quintet is a turmoil of interacting galaxies, I will return to this patch with the 150PL to try and tease out more detail.

Deer Lick Group and Stephan's Quintet.png

Deer Lick Index.jpg


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Inspiring. 7331 looks superb. I must have a go now I've seen this. I think the quintet is gonna need more. I've a 6" refractor fl 1200, I think the same as your reflector. It's gonna need long exposures but may get us closer. Dunno. I'm gonna have a go with my 760mm fl f5 first. Do post back if you have a go with the bigger telescope:)

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