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NGC 6940/Blue Snowball

Richard Hather

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Observing Information

DSO - NGC 6940/Blue Snowball

Date - 11/09/16

Time - 21:20

Lunar Phase - 64% Illuminated 

Seeing - Average

Equipment - Celestron Nexstar 6SE

Eyepieces - Pentax 8-24 SMC Zoom, ES 24mm 68 degree

Additional info - It's certainly been a while since I've observed the wonders of the universe but finally I had my chance last night ☺️
I approached this session with no real target list in mind but I wanted to get a couple of sketches one open cluster and one Nebula.

I started the session with a quick look at the moon and its stunning terminator, the Pentax certainly comes into its own during lunar observations.
Being able to zoom in on different craters and mountain ranges without even having to take my eye away from the EP is so much fun and convenient ☺️

So onto my first target I decided on NGC 6940 as my open cluster sketch of the night and I have to say when I looked through the EP and all those points of light hit my eye I literally was stunned for a moment mouth hanging open like an idiot  I thought am I up to capturing this amount of detail?
After 20 mins observing I decided to go for it and I have to say I'm happy with the outcome ☺️
I used my ES 24mm 68 degree EP which was superb at capturing all the detail.

Onto my next target I decided on the Blue Snowball Nebula, first thing that hit me was the lack of stars around the nebula.
I probably spent 30 mins observing and sketching the object but I couldn't see a great amount of detail.
I used the Pentax at around 10-12mm mag any more and the image was to unstable.

To finish of I spent a good hour just enjoying some favourites M31/M2/M15/M13, then I stumbled upon NGC 7209 all I can say is I can't wait to spend a couple of hours on this open cluster ☺️

So all in all a great night and I can't wait for the coming winter months ☺️

Clear skies ✨????




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Great report Richard, I can read the happiness there and I understand it very well. Nice sketch also for the Blue Snowball nebula, did you use a filter to see it? It's the first time I see that one on your drawing it looks quite bright like the Dumbbell nebula (Can't wait to look at the blue snowball myself). Beautiful cluster drawing also a lot of stars.

--> Thanks for sharing this report and drawings, it's always interesting and motivating.


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11 hours ago, Astro Imp said:

Two excellent sketches together with a great write up Richard.

The Blue Snowball is the object of the month in the current Astronomy Now and as soon as I have a suitable night I intend to have a look for this PN.

Thank you Astro, I didn't know it was object of the month it was really pretty random me choosing it.

Its certainly worth a look and next time I will observe it when I'm not slightly hampered by the moon

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11 hours ago, des anderson said:

Wow,the sketches just amazing and the report just tops it off.Well done,and thanks for sharing.Des

Thank you des it was a pleasure writing it, I always try to get across how I felt at the time.

Without a doubt the wow moment of that session was NGC 6940, it literally knocked me sideways the stars and detail was beautiful to behold ☺️

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4 hours ago, N3ptune said:

Great report Richard, I can read the happiness there and I understand it very well. Nice sketch also for the Blue Snowball nebula, did you use a filter to see it? It's the first time I see that one on your drawing it looks quite bright like the Dumbbell nebula (Can't wait to look at the blue snowball myself). Beautiful cluster drawing also a lot of stars.

--> Thanks for sharing this report and drawings, it's always interesting and motivating.


Thank you N3ptune, I didn't feel any need to use a filter all though thinking about it maybe it would have yielded more detail next time I will ☺️

I didn't have any difficulty seeing the nebula and there are 3-4 bright stars in close proximity to it to use as a guide to keep track of it.

As for NGC 6940, I wasn't sure I was up to sketching all those stars but I'm happy I did and I've happy with the result ☺️

As for NGC 7209 that's most certainly one for my next session ?

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15 minutes ago, Richard Hather said:

Thank you stu, I'm extremely happy with the end result.

Maybe a bit more time spent on NGC 6940 and a filter to bring out more detail on the blue snowball but apart from that I'm pleased ☺️

Yes, I'm sure a UHC would help bring out more detail. What I liked though was that it is clearly a realistic interpretation of what you viewed. Don't lose that :) 

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3 hours ago, Stu said:

Yes, I'm sure a UHC would help bring out more detail. What I liked though was that it is clearly a realistic interpretation of what you viewed. Don't lose that :) 

A UHC filter is on my wish list ☺️

Sketching a realistic interpretation of what I personally observe is the whole point of what makes sketching so special.

You can take a photo and process it and create a beautiful picture of that object but it's not what you can see through the EP with your own eyes.

Imaging is a great way to add to this fantastic hobbie but for me I can't see me going down that route.

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