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Wizard Nebula NGC7380


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I took this last week when we had an unprecedented four clear-ish nights here in Shropshire. Clear mostly meant high cirrus clouds but it was the best there has been for a while and it was great to get out and remember what to do. This is a first processing attempt as I think I can do better with colours but if anyone can offer any advice it will be greatly received. This is 24 x 900s Ha, 22 x 900s O111 and 17 x 900s S11 taken at 1200mm on a GM1000, all unguided. Thanks for looking




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I think you've managed to bag some great images. I had a go at this target last week as well, though only in Ha/OIII. And oh to be able to achieve 15mins unguided!

Perhaps a little more contrast to bring out the dark dust more?


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Very very nice, and unguided thats a dream.

Fighting with that target myself currently. SII & OIII are so weak, i had to go binned and Tonemapping approach or i'd have nearly no colour, not an easy target in my opinion!
Furthermore this target has a huge amount of stars surrounding it, that makes processing much more difficult :/

Great job.

Kind regards, Graem

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Thanks very much for all the comments; I will take another look at noise reduction as I think it isn't maybe quite right.

Regards not guiding, getting a good PA combined with a 65 point model has been key then happily the 10M does the rest. This is my first object I haven't guided as I thought it was worth a go, and I just keep going after the first hour.  

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