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Even though we have had so called clear nights, they are not so clear, with lots of thin rubbish up top.
Losing the will to live on the imaging side I wondered what it would be like with nice dark clear skies.

So I decided to join Deep Sky West in New Mexico and get some good data for a change.
I joined the widefield team that images with the Rokinon 135mm f/2 Lens + QSI583ws + Astrodon filters + Paramount ME.
This is a whole new ball game for me as it's CCD imaging and a lot to learn. :icon_biggrin:

Anyway, had a go at some data just to see if I could process some of this CCD lark.
This is the Veil widefield with the above setup, processed with PixInsight, PS CC with stacking in DSS.
94 Ha 300secs as luminance
17 Red 300secs
17 Green 300secs
12 Blue 300secs
Thanks for looking.





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Very nice.  I've imaged the western and eastern veil in the last few weeks, but nothing I'm happy with.  There just seems to be too much light pollution, even though I can see the milky way from my back garden.  I've come to the conclusion that I need a HA filter when I can afford one.  


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6 hours ago, wimvb said:

Very nice image.

Quite a set up at the remote site.

Yes it's a very large roll off, believe there are 18 pads in there altogether.

$600 for the widefield came out at approx £480 via Paypal.
So for me it's well cheap compared to travelling to find a dark site and buying CCD gear.

I will still image from home with the dslrs , when and if we get nice clear dark skies.

Here is another image from there, it's Sh2-86 in Vulpecula
46 x 300secs L
16x300secs R
15x300secs G
12x300secs B

Stacked in DSS, mangled in PI with some levels etc in PS


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