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Hedgerow close-up and animation, July 13th


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Fantastic again Pete, please keep posting these images they really bring home the power of the sun.

What must some of these exotic objects look like, such as the binary pulsars? Don't suppose your C14 and a lot of Barlows .... perhaps not.


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Pete, the images you've been posting recently are astonishing, and the animation illustrates just what a dynamic thing a star is! I can't believe the frames are only 30s apart.

In short - wow.

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You certainly picked the right name for youself Pete. "Starman" sums you up pretty well. You are certainly bringing us some outstanding imagery of our star.

We are fortunate indeed to have people on SGL who are so expert in the use of these specialist instruments, and share the results with us.

Top Class as usual.

Ron. :shocked:

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