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Faint hydrogen ripples in Cygnus: DWB 145


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Good evening all,


Long time without a post. Due to circumstances I was not able to do any imaging the last 4 months (breaking both your arms is no fun! :huh:),  so I am happy to share a new image!

Last week there was a stretch of 3 clear nights with some very stable seeing. This object has been on my bucket list for a long time, so there was no escaping it anylonger.

It is a very nice "waterfall like" hydrogen ripple in Cygnus, called DWB145. This is a 2 panel mosaic.

The image acquisition was done with SGP. As always I have kept processing to an absolute minimum to maintain the most natural look.

The calibrated panes were stretched (levels & curves + minor high pass filter) and stitched in Photoshop.


Scope: 10" f/3.8 Astrograph

CCD: sbig st8300 (-10°C), it was over 20°C at midnight!

Filter: Astrodon 5nm

Exposure: 14 hours in 20min subframes

Mount: Mesu200


For the pixel peepers, the full resolution (5847 x 2396) version can be seen here:

Full resolution


Anyway hopefully you like it, thanks for checking it out!




DWB 145_small.jpg

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