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Somewhere on the moon


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This is stupid. I've leant my stargazing book to a friend and am waiting for my moon map to arrive from Amazon. So, I'm just hunting around for interesting areas to image.

This is from the 8th Feb with NS8 and Toucam, no barlow (seeing too shaky)



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Top notch image Martin , hey you are getting good mate , the ole GPS doing its stuff , and a bit of skill from yourself :lol::( but no thats a first class image you should be well pleased Martin , soon be time for move over Al Warner ehehheheh , glad its working out for you now , now forget about the planets eheheh and go for DSOs , you have the equipement now ,once you get the 2HS .


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forgive my ignorance but what you said no barlow does that mean prime focus?

its a big image mate can you tell more about taking it settings scope ect

Sorry Martyn, I missed your question. Prime focus? Yes, just the toucam, no EP. The scope is F10. For planets F20 is the target so for me that is a x2 barlow. The seeing wasn't great so for a large target like the moon I thought it better not to try.

As far a setting go, I must get more organised and systematic, experiment with different settings and write down what I have tried :? I am using K3ccdtools for capture - version 1 which is free and would recommend you get if you haven't already. I select B+W mode 5-10fps (from discussion on another thread it seems that dropping down to 5fps is only necessary if you are using usb1 rather than usb2). From memory I think I turned the gamma right down, left the brightness then played around balancing shutter speed and gain so that the image was fairly dull on the screen. something like a shutter speed of 1/250 and gain 1/3 over.

Hope that helps.


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