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July 16, 2016: Nice spots and some flaring

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Just had a quick look with the Lunt 8x30 SUNoculars, and spotted some pretty large spots trailing the big AR. I grabbed the SolarMax-II 60 DS, and after tuning spotted some flaring amongst these new spots. Several areas of bright plage dot the disk, and some dark filaments could also be seen. There is a delicate arcing prom in the north-west, and a thin long one in the north-east. Couldn't do any imaging, because the sun is rapidly sinking behind houses and clouds in the west.

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great report Michael, yer Iain caught the new spots in his image thismorrning, thay look very nice, i noticed yesterday in the WL vis there where 5 or six small pores in the area , thay must of developed into sizeable spots over the night. its been cloudy allday here, hope its clear tomorrow so we can all get a look i hate missing the action.thanks charl.

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15 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Just had a quick look with the Lunt 8x30 SUNoculars, and spotted some pretty large spots trailing the big AR. I grabbed the SolarMax-II 60 DS, and after tuning spotted some flaring amongst these new spots. Several areas of bright plage dot the disk, and some dark filaments could also be seen. There is a delicate arcing prom in the north-west, and a thin long one in the north-east. Couldn't do any imaging, because the sun is rapidly sinking behind houses and clouds in the west.

That's a wonderful description Michael, I almost feel I was there - it got me quite excited!

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