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Imaging Source DFK41AU02 only getting 7.5 FPS

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Hi everyone, I have just purchased an Imaging Source DFK41AU02 from FLO and I've started to familiarize myself with camera & software.  In IC Capture V2.4 I am only seeing a maximum frame rate of 7.5 with the camera. The folks at FLO say that colour interpolation has to be switched off in order to achieve 15 frames/sec but I do not see anyway to do this, niether in the software not on the camera itself. There is seemingly the option to diable colour in IC Capture but this is inactive/greyed out for me.  How do I change the camera/software parameters to achieve the spec-stated 15FPS?


Any help gratefully appreciated.




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19 hours ago, riklaunim said:

Why did you pick DFK41AU02? What's the intended use? :)

Note that at max speed and planetary imaging this camera will likely give circular artifacts.

Why?? Never had that problem with mine.

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5 hours ago, ngwillym said:

Why?? Never had that problem with mine.

All TIS cameras except ICX618 one are affected by this. The same is true for many old CCD based machine vision cameras. The fastest modes on those cameras change the way the sensor works and for some reason it gives a circular artifact to the right side of the planet.  Sometimes it's clearly visible, sometimes it shows up only after sharpening of a stack. Debayerisation in color cameras may somewhat hide it.

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7 hours ago, riklaunim said:

All TIS cameras except ICX618 one are affected by this. The same is true for many old CCD based machine vision cameras. The fastest modes on those cameras change the way the sensor works and for some reason it gives a circular artifact to the right side of the planet.  Sometimes it's clearly visible, sometimes it shows up only after sharpening of a stack. Debayerisation in color cameras may somewhat hide it.

Interesting... Can you post any pics showing this artifact? I've not had any issues with the DFK21au04 I've been using (at least I think I haven't!). This Jupiter is the latest image I've got with this camera, captured at max speed (60fps)


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Here are some:

- barely visible in old Basler Scout: http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1381/4599481385_f840e63975.jpg

- more on http://www.astro-imaging.de/astro/dmk_artefacts_20091211.html

- with newer ICX618 cameras it was fixed but still wasn't always 100% clear of artifacts, like on those Saturn images: http://www.rkastrofoto.appspot.com/site_media/astro/orig/saturn23_25-05-2011/saturn_25_red-yellow_gain_test.png

Many planetary photographers quite quickly abandoned CCDs as at most of them were quite annoying with some artifacts or lack of speed. Point Grey wanted to replicate that in the lab and had big problems, but with the help of Australian photographers they go to some fixes. Balser cameras since Ace line also were fixed (but not perfectly).


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