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Quick but nice view of Mars


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I wasn't planning on observing tonight, but had a couple of things to try out on my fostered C925, and there looked to be a gap in the weather so I popped it out in the Ercole.

Heated dewshield fitted nicely, plus a powered focuser to avoid mirror flop (which isn't actually that bad), and also make focusing more convenient. Both successes.

I had a very brief (15 to 20 minutes) window with a patch of clear sky in the right place and Mars positioned between the houses and a tree!

Very nice views I must say. I'm not great with my Martian geography, but Syrtis Major was very clear, plus the north polar cap and the dark area surrounding it. A number of other subtle features seen but the seeing was quite variable so I didn't get time to ID them.

I quickly tried several bits of kit. The ZWO ADC, and Mars A and B filters. The ADC I remain a little confused by! The best setting I could find was with the levers very close together, implying not much correction I think. I was unable to eliminate the CA totally so might still be doing something wrong!

The Mars filters I was impressed by. On balance I think the A was the best compromise. It gave a nicely enhanced colour to Mars, plus the contrast of the darker albedo features was much improved. The B filter darkened the sky background much more, so was better in that respect, but possibly was a little dark on the planet itself. With both though I definitely felt the darker areas were more easily seen with the filters fitted.

This was only a very brief session and I will report back more as and when I get the chance.

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Nice report, Stu. I just missed out on a Mars A on fleabay which went for £26 :sad:  I put in a £25 bid to keep an interest and then missed the final minutes because I was stuck at work. Grrr.

Anyway, good to know it performs and I'll look out for another one.

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Interesting report Stu.

I wasn't using filters or other devices to observe mars this evening.

I noticed a little CA around the polar regions caused by atmospheric dispersion but interestingly as I observed the planet, this reduced and almost disappeared completely. I don't know if, as my eye adjusted, my brain sort of filtered out this effect ? :icon_scratch:

Anyway the views were very nice, for a short time anyway.


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1 hour ago, DRT said:

Nice report, Stu. I just missed out on a Mars A on fleabay which went for £26 :sad:  I put in a £25 bid to keep an interest and then missed the final minutes because I was stuck at work. Grrr.

Anyway, good to know it performs and I'll look out for another one.

That would have been a good buy at £26 Derek! I'm more convinced by the Mars filters than by the Planetary one which doesn't do much for me on Jupiter, I prefer just a Neodymium.

Atmospheric CA quite evident in the 925 so worth trying to improve with the ADC if possible but as said, not convinced yet!

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Just now, Chris Lock said:

Nice report Stu, I've often wondered about those Mars filters so it's good to here your thoughts on them :)

Thanks Chris. I've really not had much time with them on Mars but first impressions were favourable. The Planetary filter seems to be very susceptible to seeing effects (gives the appearance of atmospheric CA quite noticeably in my experience), but the Mars ones seem much better. They give a nice deep orange colour to the planet and the albedo features definitely show up with more contrast. What I don't know is whether it brings out the less obvious features better or not, more time needed for that, I need to time my sessions more carefully to catch Mars between the houses. Actually what I really need to do is take the frac down to the bottom of the garden where Mars is clear of the houses, my back won't cope with taking the 925 rig down there but the Tak will be fine ??

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