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North America and Pelican Nebulae Mosaic


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What a lovely result Steve....Plenty of detail in both NAN and the Pelican.....

I have had 2 unsuccessful nights trying to image NAN.....It doesnt help not using any filters though and my subs could do with being a lot longer than 1minute but still i would of expected some of the nebula to show in the stacked images......back to the drawing board for me on this target.....


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This is a nice image. I like this region in Cygnus, and your image captures it well. It was worth the effort to mosaic this as well. Individually, these are nice areas of nebulosity, but together thsi is an impressive Vista indeed.


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Thanks for your comments folks. The camera (SXVF-M25C) certainly gave me some grief getting it to function correctly but I'm glad that I pursued the manufacturer (in the nicest possible way!) until I got the answers I needed to resolve the technical issues!

I have to say that I am now very happy with the camera and for the first time last night, I adjusted the angle of the sensor plane and am happy that I have a good 'flat on' sensor now - what a good idea it was to have this feature built in as it was quite intuitive to use and made a definite improvement to the edge of frame detail.

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