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Monkey Cannistra bahaha

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Well its official. I've absolutely no clue when it comes to using Steve Cannistras excellent method of bicolour processing. After going through his steps here http://www.starrywonders.com/bicolortechniquenew.html I played with levels, selective colour, noise (ish) and god knows what else and this is the closest I came. Back to thedrawing board me thinks :)

27249047426_4f3624a69f_b.jpgNGC2175_canistra by Scott Prideaux, on Flickr


Thanksfor looking and any advice would be grrreat mate 

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I think that you've done really well on what I generally consider to be a really flat object. You have got a lot of texture in it and I think that it looks really good. The colour is a personal thing, and that can easily be tweaked as needed. What you rarely see is such a quality of data... well done!! Very nice indeed 

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There ya go, just lined up the RGB peaks in Ps and the backround is a bit better now. Might be worth combining this one with a more strongly processed Ha luminance layer to boost the contrast a bit:


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I do like this but agree with my radioactive friend above that the background is too green! An easy tweak. The stars are tiny, the noise is as absent as is any visible NR and the whole thing is very delicate. Yes, I like it. It might also take a bit of local contrast enhancement to make it more three dimensional looking.


Edit: Ah, I was typing as you reposted and, yes, that's better! In Selective Colour have you tried moving the top red slider to the left? It might work on this though I'm not sure.


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Thanks for the positive responses. How annoying is it that I spend some hrs getting this far and Rob does a quick tweak and sorts it out :D. only joking Rob, musc appreciated mate.

@swag72 , I was wondering Sara if I'd picked a bad target but my stock of Oiii data is severely lacking :). 

@ollypenrice, I'll give the red slider and see what comes out the other end (my usual processing technic :D ).

Oh Rob, no I haven't got a new camera, I think I hit a wrong button and saved it at 300ppi or sumat :icon_scratch:

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Looks very nice to me Scott, last imaged it 5 years ago, it had super blue Baader O111 haloes so never saw the light of day, must have a reprocess using Rob's technique


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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Looks very nice to me Scott, last imaged it 5 years ago, it had super blue Baader O111 haloes so never saw the light of day, must have a reprocess using Rob's technique


Cheers Dave

That's the beauty of being a hoarder (myself I speak of here). I've still got the very first sub I took in the hope that one day someone will create a piece of software or an imaging technique that will turn vinegar into champagne :D

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24 minutes ago, Scott said:

Cheers Dave

That's the beauty of being a hoarder (myself I speak of here). I've still got the very first sub I took in the hope that one day someone will create a piece of software or an imaging technique that will turn vinegar into champagne :D

Vinegar into Champagne? The cheapest solution might be to buy a bag of chips...


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