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Advice on CCD

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Hi All,

I was hoping for some alternatives to the kit that I've pinned down to.

I have an EdgeHD 8" scope on an NEQ6 mount.

Now the CCD that I've pinned down to is an Atik 383L mono (because of it's Kodak 8300 sensor) and the FW to go with it will be an SX USB 7 POS FW (because I've heard good reviews and also has a builtin OAG) which altogether along with the LRGB and NB filters comes to £2300.

Now I'm reaching out to you fine folks to see what other alternatives to I have for this or maybe even stretching it to no more than £2500?

Small pixel size sensors are a no go for me hence the reason why I choose a Kodak 8300 to begin with.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



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well the Atik or should I say 383L really because I know how much you're glad you moved away from Sony sensors hence my choice on Kodak 8300 sensor :) Been reading up on this a lot. A lot to confuse the hell out of me. In the end I really had to give myself a reality check and get a limit set to the budget. So yes alternative to this make/model of the CCD and under £2500 for the complete set (FW which has inbuilt OAG and filters) or at least I can compromise on the NB filters and get them later and only work with LRGB filters to begin with.

What's your take on that? Should I dump the NB filters which will possibly expand the range on the CCD?

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I personally like the QSI as it's a complete package (camera, 8 pos filter wheel and OAG) - The integrated package is about as plug and play as you can get....but new it's over budget. There was a QSI683 on ABS earlier this week... not sure if it's gone.

The Moravian G2-8300 is another good choice as it has an integrated filter wheel, BUT it's only a 5 position and for me this would rule it out and it's not got a built in OAG.  The good thing about the QSI and Moravian with their integrated filter wheels is that you can use the cheaper 1.25" filters. 

I like NB imaging and do prefer it to LRGB, but sadly there are times of the year when there are just no NB targets about. 


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If I could, I would've most definitely opted for QSI WSG-683 but then we're looking at £3400 for the brand new one (I personally don't like the idea of a second hand kit when it's that much money) which then even if I choose the cheaper 1.25" LRGB filters, that's another £220 bringing a total of much much lighter wallet which for some reason I'm just not comfortable with. I still need to buy a lodestar, a reducer and a capturing & processing software ... there goes my life savings :) 

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2 minutes ago, swag72 said:

Another alternative is a G2-8300 Moravian.

Cheers Sara, but like you mentioned it has a 5 POS FW which doesn't seem like my cuppa tea ... I like the idea of 7 because once you put in the filters, you pretty much forget about ever opening up to replace them. What can I say, I'm just a lazy old lad :)

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1 minute ago, swag72 said:

You can always add an external filter wheel to it, which you are planning on doing with the Atik anyway

Ok that sounds like a good idea though.

Why do I get the feeling that (like yourself and Steppenwolf mentioned) for the price range I have set, I can't get any better than what I've chosen :)

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2 hours ago, geordie85 said:

Iankingimaging do an atik 383L plus lrgb and narrowband filters and filter wheel as a package buy for a little over £2000. 

If I didn't get the chance to get a cheap 2nd hand 383L then this is the package I was planning to buy


That is exactly what I'm hoping to buy :)

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I'm not sure that I'd want a different make of filterwheel than camera, just in principle. I have both Atik and SX wheels and both work well, but with their own make of camera. Since I'm a great fan of Artemis Capture I like running the Atik wheel and camera in that programme.

I'm well known to be a happy Atik user and put them ahead of comparably priced competitors. They are also UK based which is a big deal if repair comes up.

I do think your plan is essentailly sound and you can bin the mono CCD 2X2 at the FL in question, whether for all filters or just for colour. Experiment will decide which works best for you there.


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