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New Big Boy in town...!


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Hi SGL family,

I'm excited to show you my new telescope. It's the Celestron CPC-1100 (11") SCT. Boy is it big compared to my old Meade 8" LX-90. I've only had a couple of hours under light polluted skies to give it a go. But, I feel this one has very good optics and should be Great under better conditions.

It will also take a while to become comfortable with the hand set controller compared to the commands of the meade autostar...But, not a major difference.



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Thanks to all for the kind remarks. I'm also making a change over to a 2" diagnonal and eyepieces. I hoping to see some wide sky views soon.

SteveL: I bought a 10'x10' patio canopy and didn't install the top, only the fame of course. Then, I bought the matching wind and sun shield which I use for detering the neighbor's lights. It helps a lot. But, I still have to deal with the city glow.



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You are going to love the CPC1100, Steve (FLO) brought one along to Kelling last year.

The veiws are stunning. M13 was pretty much as you see it in colour magazines!


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