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Heads up - GRS and shadow transit - NOW (29th Feb)


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It was a bit of a surprise here John. Just popped out to put the rabbits to bed, and saw clear sky! The Tak was out already under cover from solar observing so it was a quick job to be up and running. GRS and shadow were also completely unexpected, but very clear.

Rain showers coming in now so am packed away again....

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20 minutes ago, chiltonstar said:

Just caught it with the grab 'n go between showers, clouds etc. Fabulous.


Excellent, glad you saw it Chris. It's been a while since I caught a shadow, incredibly black and sharp tonight.

Raining here now....

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I noticed a gap between the 'orribles just before they were due to exit the disc according to Skysafari, setup in double quick time and guess what - gap gone. Most annoyed. Plenty more opportunities to be had I'm sure though. Glad you chaps had good views though.

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Got it here. But misty, but I love shadow transits. The shadows are incredibly distinct. Always nice when the GRS accompanys  them. Best at about x140, although I usually like bigger when I can. 

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