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First attempt at a Lunar Mosaic


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Managed to get out on the 17th with a surprise clear night, so thought I'd have a go at taking some images for a first stab at a mosaic. 

ED80 on NEQ6 with ZWOASI120MM.

I didn't really plan it to be honest and just manually moved between panels. Just 6 panels from 6x60sec AVIs, processed in PIPP>AUTOSTAKKERT>REGISTAX for wavelets>MSICE>PS to tweak.

Had a few "teething" troubles with stitching the mosaic, but learned a fair amount fumbling around in the dark trying to get it all to work.

Happy with the result and looking forward to having another go soon.

Hope you like it

final pictureresize from ICE.png

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Keeping a log of all your settings is also worth doing as these will change once you start planets ,a decent note book is worth its weight in gold as ,your capture settings for the soft ware ect is all ways worth keep and referring back to and a log book is a great way to log your nightly adventures 


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Hi Pat, yeah, a very good idea - although I find I "tweak" them all the time (I can't resist playing around) it does make a lot of sense... although I am terrible at telling myself "next time"... must be more disciplined.....





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I,could,not agree more tweaking is part of the job but I find you can read back what you have wrote and compare  one night from another ect it's not for,every one but it is some thing have done .the moon is my main focus I love  dso's and all the other stuff but the on is where it's at 


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