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The Art of Otherworlds Exhibition at the Natural History Museum


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Certainly looks interesting :)  Seems to be much lije what we do with Photoshop - always interesting to see other people's interpretation.  Image prosessing is always a personal interpretation in the end.

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Having seen the link you posted, and since I was going in to London this weekend anyway, I went to see this and yes I really enjoyed it.

The gallery was spacious and peaceful compared to the hordes in the rest of the galleries and the images well spaced and lit. Some of the images would probably seem familiar as there are so many good images of the solar system in books and online, but to see some of these as poster sized images and yet with so much fine detail in them was worth it for me. Particularly liked some of the Martian surface panoramas and there was one of an area of craters on the moon that looked almost 3D!

Having said that, although these were very very good, and we spend so much time looking up at these objects through our small telescopes and thinking how beautiful they look, the image that really blew me away was of Earth. If you could see that through your scope you'd never take your eyes off it. It really is the jewel in our system! 


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Thanks for the review and photo ShrewView, sounds like it's worth a trip then. Your comment on the Earth is very interesting. Imagine how detailed the Earth would look using a modest telescope from the atmosphere-free moon!

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22 hours ago, Droogie 2001 said:

I was going to go but with a family of four and three of which were not too bothered it seemed sadly like an expensive option.

This month S@N visited the gallery which made up for it a little bit...

But the NHM is free? So is the science museum next door so something for all surely.

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Sadly not for exhibitions. It explains why it is nice and quiet and you haven't got dinosaur crazed children running about.. :icon_biggrin:


Update: I can see your point in that the other family members could have gone off elsewhere while I went in but not really possible in my situation. Its a good idea though if others are in a similar position.


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I do hope these type of exhibitions stay ongoing. It is desirable to have the general Public see and appreciate the 
Results, (albeit in a pictorial fashion,)  of the robotic interplanetary visits that were necessary to achieve the quality of Imagery in our system of worlds.
It would be a tragedy if Apathy was allowed to develop among the general population. 
These injections of interesting demonstrations can fire the imagination, and especially in the youngsters, who are potentially  the future engineers and scientists who will be needed 
to carry on the work of discovering all our solar system has to offer. 
It's a pity I shan't see this Exhibition myself. My annual London holiday is in July :crybaby2:.



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