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Horizon, Wednesday


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A quick heads up for next Wednesday, an Horizon program about gravity, and possible gravity control.

Hopefully without too much of Archchancellor Ridcully's Woo-Woo sauce .

Edit: It's on BBC2 at 8 o/c, and the RT quotes one scientist laughing out loud at another's statement. Should be entertaining if nothing else.

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Thanks for the "heads-up" to watch this - I enjoyed much of it but it really did highlight that there isn't much in the research at the moment - and it made some of the scientists look rather silly, but I guess they asked for it LOL


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15 hours ago, DaveS said:

Ah, yes, now you mention it. I guess I was confusing it with the usual woo-woo that can surround oddball science.:icon_biggrin:


Now going "Woo-woo" sounds like someone is going totally librarian.... or is that Oook-oook?

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I thought the stuff about anti-matter displaying anti-gravity properties was a bit far out.

We have anti-matter in labs and I don't think anyone has seen it flying in the opposite direction!

It seemed to be a programme trying to make something out of virtually nothing.

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