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Kent LED street light conversion - before and after


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18 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Are they still planning on switching them off at night in some areas ? if not then I'll be worse off.


The result of the Kent County Council street lighting consultation exercise was that residents in general want all night lighting and the focus groups in particular (shift workers and the elderly) particularly want all night lighting.  However 64% were also in favour of dimming them in the early hours so this is likely what we'll get. The new lights are individually controllable centrally - our installer said it's via satellite.


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I do not understand the thinking of the so called modern street light designers  at all.

Basic physics says you should not see any trace of the light until it hits its intended target.  By this I mean you should only see the actual light itself if you are in the projected light cone area. If I was at 100 yards from the light I should not be able to see the emitting head at all bar any reflections from a lamp post or from the ground. I should not be able to see the LEDs or Light Bulb filament. The glass covers should not protrude below the shaded area of the head. Glass disperses light in all directions. The new LED lights are just being fitted in most cases to old lamp posts. They are mostly angled. It is a waste of light if it can spread to more than the intended area of coverage. A lamp post is intended to give enough height to the light fitting so that the light is spread to about half the distance between lamp posts. It should also only allow light to be cast over to the other side of the road, i.e. the pavement not into opposite gardens or into/though  house windows. That is light trespass, and wasted light energy. From what I have seen here in the North East our new light fittings do not adhere to these principles and are causing almost if not more light pollution than the previous systems. You cannot filter out LED light pollution, without loosing virtually  all your intended imaging  photons.


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After the false dawn of switching off some street lights overnight I'm now resigned to loading the camper van and going somewhere dark, or at least darker, soon as I get the new mount sorted :)


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13 minutes ago, Physopto said:

How is the thoughts going on that? Starting to make up your mind as yet? It is a big decision I know as it costs!


Pretty much set on the 10 Micron 1000, just waiting for Ian to get settled after the hol's.


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