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14mm planetary eyepiece

paul mc c

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14mm budget EPs for planetary are pretty thin on the ground. At 15mm there are quite a few, but that is probably too close to the 16mm, whereas the 13mm are rather too close to the 12.5 you have. A second-hand Radian 14mm would be the cheapest option I can think of. I had one for solar H-alpha but replaced it with a good zoom for the H-alpah work, and a 14mm Delos for hunting planetary nebulae with the SCT

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I had the Meade Series 5000 14mm UWA (MK1) which were optically the same as the ES. Very good EP, just a shade short on eye relief for me (14mm). Not that cheap, but not a bad price for such quality. The Morpheus 14mm is pretty close to XW/Delos in performance, but again a step up in price

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