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GRAS and Remote Imaging


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Well, this topic has certainly sparked a big debate recently in the 'Images - Sketches and Unconventional' Section.

I've only been using the GRAS utility over the last fortnight, off and on.

Yesterday, I was attempting to use GRAS 008 which is a RCOS 12.5" with a SBIG 11000 CCD mounted on a Paramount ME. (Not for the faint hearted!)

Now GRAS (Arnie Rosner & Brad Moore) will tell you this scope is not for a rookie...and yes I experienced some problems using it yesterday and today.

The Boss of GRAS (Arnie) has credited my account with more points than I started with AND actually TELEPHONED me (twice) & not brief calls, from New Mexico to explain a). What I was doing wrong & :D. A problem they were experiencing and to help me with the scope.

It is suffering from a tempermental problem at the moment but I am assured will be fixed more than 100% soon (awaiting supplies).

Given the technology involved, it is not surprising that issues occur, though infrequently.

I cannot tell you how gobsmacked I was to answer a call from the USA (twice) and chat to a thoroughly decent guy, who, really does have his customer interests at heart.

I can thoroughly recommend anyone to have a go at this remote imaging lark!

£25 for a trial, if you suffer from any teething problems, they'll spot it and sort you out at no cost. It's customer service at it's very best.

Incidentally, I have no buisness link with GRAS, other than I'm a paying customer!


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Can I second this sentiment about GRAS and Arnie/Brad. I reported a star trailing issue on one of the scopes (GRAS012), and they instantly refunded all the points back into my account from the run that I had just finished, sent me an email explaining they would look at it and fix it. They found an issue with the autoguider, fixed it, and told me to test the system, which worked perfectly.

Top marks to them!

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And just to complete the trio, I would like to congratulate Arnie/Brad on their service and customer relations. I have only had very brief problems, all of which have been sorted out quickly.


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What a refreshing change to hear about really good customer service. These guys clearly deserve to do well and judging by the interest that this project is generating just on this site, I suspect that they will indeed do very well.

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I am still swithering about purchasing time on GRAS. I singed up for the free trial and have got a couple of images from it. I am just not sure I would get a great level of satisfaction from it. But then it would be nice to have some good data to play about with.....

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