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newtonian 150/750


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Yes, it is a very good scope for imaging.  I have used mine for nearly two years now and have got some very good images with it. I also used the eq5 pro mount for over a year but then I started having a few problems with the tracking. I have now upgraded to the HEQ5 but the EQ%5 was great while it worked well (I think I damaged it one night when the scope went through the meridian and hit a leg before I stopped it!).

So a really good combo that you can get some good images with. Here is one of my recent ones.


And check out the link to see others of mine taken with the same scope.


I think my images are message 8, or thereabouts...

Cheers, Tim

p.s. to get longer exposures (these images are all 5 minute exposures), you will need to invest in guiding, but that would be the same whatever scope/mount combo you get. Go for it!

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