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ic1805 Heart Nebula bi-colour


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Nice image--Here's my attempt at the Heart.  I had great Ha subs, sub par color subs, and of course my processing skills are everything they are expected to be at 1 month old.  Any advise would be welcomed.




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I apologize if I acted in a manner that you feel to be inappropriate.  In my defense, I scrutinized the code of conduct and found nothing indicating my actions were inappropriate.  How else to present an example with a question to someone whom one hopes might respond?  An image is the only way to efficiently ask a question regarding a specific thing in this hobby.  Starting my own thread would no doubt result in an empty thread and not provide the desired effect (advise from someone specific).  Since it is easy to ignore posts, and since only positive results can ensue through such posting, I didn't, and don't, see the harm.   It would have been nice to believe that my request for advise would be welcomed by all visitors.  Since that is not the case, please note that my request was directed to Chris.  Since Chris did not respond, I assume he wishes not to respond.  Hence, no further posts by me regarding this matter.  I was under the impression that this "board" was intended to foster the free flow of ideas related to AP.  Kind of like a conversation in a crowd?  Some comments/questions will be ignored by the group.  As long as they are not in violation of the code of conduct of the event, no harm, no foul.

But I am effectively chastised and won't intrude again.

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I apologize if I acted in a manner that you feel to be inappropriate.  In my defense, I scrutinized the code of conduct and found nothing indicating my actions were inappropriate.  How else to present an example with a question to someone whom one hopes might respond?  An image is the only way to efficiently ask a question regarding a specific thing in this hobby.  Starting my own thread would no doubt result in an empty thread and not provide the desired effect (advise from someone specific).  Since it is easy to ignore posts, and since only positive results can ensue through such posting, I didn't, and don't, see the harm.   It would have been nice to believe that my request for advise would be welcomed by all visitors.  Since that is not the case, please note that my request was directed to Chris.  Since Chris did not respond, I assume he wishes not to respond.  Hence, no further posts by me regarding this matter.  I was under the impression that this "board" was intended to foster the free flow of ideas related to AP.  Kind of like a conversation in a crowd?  Some comments/questions will be ignored by the group.  As long as they are not in violation of the code of conduct of the event, no harm, no foul.

But I am effectively chastised and won't intrude again.

No, the difficulty here Rod is that (after looking at your image) there is no quick or brief answer to your query, if there were I would have posted a reply. I don't know why you think you would end up with an empty thread if you posted a new topic, especially when asking for help. We on here are only too glad to help but if it were done in this thread then it would be out of place - indexed wrongly so others with similar problems would never find it. Post it in the appropriate sub-forum and I assure you people will get involved and try to help.


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