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Transporting an SCT via ground shipping

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Hi Everyone:

I am considering buying a C11. I live in Montreal, Canada, and the seller lives in Louisiana. Transporting this heavy scope through anything but ground shipment is prohibitively expensive. So I am concerned that the scope will get tossed and battered around through FedEx ground shipping (UPS is a non-starter). He will pack it well but I am still concerned. Am I over-reacting? I am sure the collimation will get thrown off, but I am worried about longer term issues related to transport. Please advise...


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It is not without some risk as is any parcel. Ask the shipper to use original boxes and packing. If all you have to do is collimate when it arrives then consider yourself lucky. A lot worse could happen but probably won't.

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Is the scope new, or been bought second hand? If new I am sure the original packaging should keep it pretty much OK, apart from maybe collimating when you receive it. If second hand, and the seller doesn't have the original packaging I would be a little more worried about things over the distance it was going to ship.

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Well anything could happen but let's assume it won't. I have had my 9.25 for 8 years. It's been on and off a mount, driven around in a caravan and bumped about in my study. The collimation hasn't budged. It's quite robust.

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