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Astro things to do on La Palma April


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Just booked a week on La Palma for the beginning of April, self-catering. The village itself doesn't look very dark, but just up the road the LP map goes black.

So any suggestions? Debating whether to stump up for a Star Adventurer for my DSLR while worrying about baggage allowances (Cheep flight so 20 kg).

And any non-astro ideas?

Knowing my luck it's be the worst weather they've had in living memory and a heat wave back here.

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The road up to the observatories is steep (I mean first gear in places) and narrow and hairpin-twisty. I don't know if it's improved since I was there, but when you get to the top there was just a car park and a little snack place which was closed.

My recommendation would be to head towards the south of the island with a pair of binoculars. Find a place that overlooks the sea and just lie back and look at the magnificent sky.

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I would certainly recommend a visit to the observatory, here is link to the relevant page for booking....http://orm.astrocamp.es/index_en.html

As yet no dates are listed for 2016 but I am sure they will be added in due course. The east side of the island does suffer from more cloud than the west unfortunately. Driving up to the observatory is not so bad just take your time. 

You might also find this useful....http://www.astrolapalma.com/

I have a great trip.


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For a small island it can take a while to get anywhere, where are you based and cheap flights :Envy: !!!!

You can book a tour up at the observatory's (popular you may need to book) and spend time walking around the caldera top/edge, views can be outstanding, you may be above the cloud.   There are footpaths if you enjoy walking, some can be steep.  Beaches if you want them, villages, good coffee/food everywhere.  Great place, enjoy.

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The cottage is in Los LLanos de Aridne. Although the local LP looks horrid I'm thinking that a short drive should get me somewhere reasonably dark. TBH I'm thinking most "tourist" places in the Canaries are going to be bright, even on La Palma which looks the least polluted.


Depending on how this holiday pans out I may look to visit again in the October half-term, when we get two weeks.

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Los LLanos has a lot going for it, just south of the Caldera de Taburiente National Park proper town with supermarkets etc.  A short drive to the west coast, Puerto has a nice black sand beach, fish restaurants/bars, pleasant.  Then the road north climbs up past the El Time bar (some astro certain evenings), great views looking down on Puerto and Los LLanos.  This is probably the road you will take to Roque de los Muchachos,  I cannot give you an idea of how the altitude changes from Los LLanos to El Time and even more to the Roque.  Wonderful place and people, you will enjoy.

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Completely agree with Mick. We went a few years ago and to be honest you don't have to travel far to hit a Dark Sight. We had an ED120 and I have never seen clearer views of M31 or 45.

The road to main Observatory has multiple places to pull over and view the stars. Top ticket

Beautiful island in the day as well!

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We stayed just south of  El Paso earlier this year but visited nearby Los Llanos from time to time - it is a thriving town.

A visit to the wonderful Observatories is a must and it is worth doing the trip up one side and down the other - driving up into and then through the clouds is a great experience!

We tend NOT to do the 'touristy' things but for a non-astro trip, a drive down to the south is well worthwhile and a visit to the salt pans at Teneguia is well worth doing and I'd recommend buying some of the salt as it really is special - I'm having some on my meal tonight! The volcanic scenery is amazing .......

The west coast is the most interesting and least commercial but don't expect sandy beaches! There are several dark sites that are worth visiting and spotted around the island there are specific 'observing' areas.

April should also be good for the wonderful wild flowers that grow on the island. All in, you are in for a real treat!

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What Steve says above :)

The road up to the observatories is indeed a little hair raising (although in pretty good nick). If you can drive up near to the top... there's several little laybys near the top where I was able to set up when I went back in August. You'll probably get above the clouds too this way.

There's a lovely viewpoint (Mirador) to the south of El Paso called Mirador Llano del Jable with a fantastic view to the north - the skies are pretty epic from here even though the lights of Los Llanos and El Paso are visible.

We were staying in Puntagorda further up to the northwest and despite a streetlight right outside the house we could walk out of a light room and immediately see the milky way.

It should be good - I'm envious :)


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