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advice on luna mosaics please


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I hope to start doing full moon mosaics using 150 pro mak and 1000D 

i would be grateful for any tips and advice on this subject, my plan would be to look at four quarters and take about 50 frames per quarter, process in pipp pus rgistax 5, then stitch in ms ice

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Hi Jules

These days I usually do 20 frames per pane. Stack in Registax but don't sharpen or adjust owt. Mosaic direct into Photoshop either manually using layers or use Photomerge. Then once I have the full disc I flatten layers, save then wavelet/sharpen in registax. Then mess about in PS for contrast etc

I don't use Pipp or AS2 on lunar because my PC throws a wobbler with those progs and the size of those images for some reason hence I use registax

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I say the more frames the better but 50 each is a good as place as any to start, you can always experiment later.

I prefer to use AS!2 as you can batch stack the lot at once if you turn the frames to an avi. in PIPP but using registax is fne too for the stacking part. Once you have the frames I always stitch them before any sharpening and crop any edges that need it.

I use either MSICE or photomerge in photoshop to stitch and then save the stitched image as a TIF and I would use either astra image deconvolution for sharpening or even smart sharpen in photoshop instead of using wavelets in registax.

AstraImage3.0 is free if you don't have photoshop.

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And you should be able to grab it in two halves rather than four quarters , I can with the 180 ...  :smiley:

You would be better using AS!2 to stack , you will need to tweak the settings to allow full use of the 1000D sensor , at native you can only use 2000 x 2000 pixels.

Just open the AS!2 file downloaded , open the Config. file , scroll down to MaxWidth/MaxHeight boxes and change the numbers to 4000 and 3000 or bigger .



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And you should be able to grab it in two halves rather than four quarters , I can with the 180 ...  :smiley:

You would be better using AS!2 to stack , you will need to tweak the settings to allow full use of the 1000D sensor , at native you can only use 2000 x 2000 pixels.

Just open the AS!2 file downloaded , open the Config. file , scroll down to MaxWidth/MaxHeight boxes and change the numbers to 4000 and 3000 or bigger .



I dont plan on using AS12, i guess doing this in 2 halves would be a top and a bottom half?

Thanks for the replies so far.....keep them coming  :cool:

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i've not actually used it in the field yet, but one of the little standalone programmes that the EQMOD guys do, namely EQMosaic, will do a good job of helping you plan the mosaic so you don't miss any bits, so long as you set your sensor sizes and orientations in it correctly

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I find that one of the most important factors in putting together a successful lunar mosaic is getting the exposure right.  I make sure I get the exposure set so that brightest part of the whole mosaic is not burned out (over exposed). I then use this exposure for all the component frames.

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