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Betelgese Rising


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Picking a favourite star would be an interesting task for me... I'd probably end up with multiple. (Betelgeuse for it's potential explosion, polaris for letting me see north, Rigel for showing how far a stars light can be reflected).

Although, betelgeuse is possibly the only star I know of that actually looks bright orange... The rest all look white to me...

Can't wait for orion to get into a more favourable position... But at the same time I need to finish my barn door tracker first!

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thanks laudropb, yer where getting to the best time of year, i only wish the weather would get better.  clear skys  charl.

Isn't winter usually followed by less humid air? So when we get clear skies they'll also be on average better seeing?

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Nice to have a reminder of the treasures to come.

Talking of favourite stars I love the way Sirius twinkles like a disco ball but at the moment I would be pleased to see anything.

I will have to see sirius' flickering through my telescope this year... I didn't do it when I started in february.

I, too would be very greatful of clear skies... Cloudy for the last 5 days now. (Right in the middle of moonless nights, too!) :angry7:

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