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M31 - 1st presentable attempt


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After several failed attempts, this is the first time I've been able to get a presentable image of Andromeda. (Please tell me it's Andromeda! lol)  I have a feeling there is a lot of data in the tiff that I can pull out after I acquire my photoshop and lightroom experience, but for now this is what I came up with.

I took this with a Nikon D3100. I attempted to upload the TIFF but it says file is too large. Thanks for looking.post-47098-0-74394500-1445898519_thumb.j

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Well done. The first one is always special and it will get better from here on. SGL does not allow you to upload TIFF as far as I know so upload either jpeg or better still small size PNG files. If too large then SGL will apply compression to your file before displaying it.



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Thanks. I didn't even think to change it to a jpeg or png. Thanks for the advice!

Well done. The first one is always special and it will get better from here on. SGL does not allow you to upload TIFF as far as I know so upload either jpeg or better still small size PNG files. If too large then SGL will apply compression to your file before displaying it.



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sure looks like Andromeda to me.

Settings such as framing and exposure seem OK.

Next step is to take multiple images and stack them in a program such as Deep Sky Stacker. This will get rid of some of the noise. You'll be amazed at how much more detail you really captured.

Good luck

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Thanks for confirming its M33.  Theres a lot of light pollution in my area and while I know generally where M31  (and i think I know exactly where it is), its always been hard for me to confirm because it just looks like a very dull star or smudge to me. I was pretty certain it was it though or I wouldnt have posted this. lol  BTW- this is stacked. lol Not a huge sample though...I'd have to go back and see, but I'm guessing around 100 images or so. I know the noise was killing me when I was in lightroom.

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The first time for everything usually has for all of us a special meaning and value so that's a very nice first image of Andromeda (and it is Andromeda 100%) from you. Well done. :smiley:  

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Thank you. My very first space pic was holding my cell phone up to a telescope to get a pic of the moon and yeah, every once in a while I go back to it to reminice. I thought it was so good back then. Now, I can see how much work it needed...but nonetheless it was my first...  im happy with this one...but i just know i can do so much more with it once I get a better idea of how to use layers in photoshop.

The first time for everything usually has for all of us a special meaning and value so that's a very nice first image of Andromeda (and it is Andromeda 100%) from you. Well done. :smiley:  

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