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That's a fairly long focal ratio, not so good for widefield (richfield) study but good for Moon and planets.  You will need a dew shield.  Good luck with your choice.

what size dew heater would i need and dew shield thanks

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I had the chance to use one last night, it gave text book star images at high magnification which bodes well for lunar, planetery and double star observation. The often repeated comments concerning its relative unsuitability for DSO's, although true, doesn't mean you won't be able to see them, most will look similar in any 5" telescope it's just a handfull that won't fit the lowest power field of view.  :smiley:

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The synscan display shows

000.00W 000.00N

Search your GPS coordinates online so e.g. the latitude/longitude for 10 Downing Street is - 51° 30' N , 0° 7' W. The handset usually asks you for longitude first, not to sure on that thought. My one also doesn't give me the option to put in seconds, just the minutes and I'm assuming thats with all the new Synscan handsets as I got mine fairly recently.

Your latitude/longitude in the handset would be 053° 23' N and 001° 21 W (based on the coordinates you've posted up there). Just double check which one you enter first, I'm fairly sure it's the longitude and then once you hit enter you'll have to put in your latitude. 

If its coming up with both W and N (long + lat) on the same screen then enter it all but with the longitude at the start and latitude after (053.23W 001.21N).

Hope that helps!


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