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Cheap EP's, Ostara, Obinar etc.


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Your scope is f8 and has plenty of focal length so they should be reasonably sharp towards the edge. The eye relief on the 8mm might will be quite tight, but they will perform better than the 10 & 25mm modified achromat eyepieces supplied with you scope :)

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I had the 30mm a few years back before I upgraded it. Quite liked it although the lack of an eyeguard meant positioning felt a little awkward. As for seeing more, well you will get more into the FOV so should be good for the larger star fields, nice to use on the moon for full views and as mentioned will be fairly forgiving in your scope at F8. 

If you had a 2" expensive more eyepiece's then you would see larger views but again at F8, the actual views would not be immensely different than what you already have. What you may get from the higher end eyepieces is crisper views right to the edge of the eyepiece with more contrast but there is nothing wrong with the ones you just got to get you going at all. 

Where a 2"  eyepiece may come in for your scope is for extra widefield views. Something like revelation superview at 30mm would do you well without busting thew bank (about £30 I think). With a 68degree FOV would open things up nicely. The ostara 30 will give you 1.25 tfov whereas the Revalation would be around 1/2 a degree more. Again though there is nothing the matter with the Ostara.

I don't have a really expensive widefield EP now and simply have a moonfish (£70 I think i paid) which does for my widefield views but it really is a matter of preference.


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Tried the 30mm Ostara last night.............very impressed. I did not have much time before the clouds rolled back in but just looking at Albireo the pair were pin sharp and beautiful well defined colours.

The filter worked extremely well in my awful light polluted back garden. All in all very happy.

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Ive heard the names of these EP's and some members have bought some. I dont recall any of the people who bought them reporting back any negative comments,so thats proof enough that they are good enough.

All that matters is that you are happy with them and enjoy the views they give.

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