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September targets

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Hi all, I have a 10" dob and fell out of observing for about 2 months. 

I plan on taking the telescope up to a dark sky area this Sunday for the new moon. I need a 10-15 object list of excellent targets to look for. This is my first time observing in the late summer/early fall, but am usually pretty quick finding stuff.


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Well - I'll kick off with the obvious:



Double Cluster


Ring Nebula

Dumbell Nebula

I have noticed just walking outdoors that the Pleiades and Cassiopeia is back! I did most of my observing this last year in the winter. We'd be out around 9pm-11pm PST in Los Angeles area. 

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I have noticed just walking outdoors that the Pleiades and Cassiopeia is back! I did most of my observing this last year in the winter. We'd be out around 9pm-11pm PST in Los Angeles area.

Have you got Sky Safari (iPad), Cartes du Ciel (PC), or Stellarium (also PC)? Those last two are free. Using any of these you would be able to put in a time date and place and will be able to work out well in advance what targets you might be interested in.

Heading up to Griiffith Park by any chance?

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Have you got Sky Safari (iPad), Cartes du Ciel (PC), or Stellarium (also PC)? Those last two are free. Using any of these you would be able to put in a time date and place and will be able to work out well in advance what targets you might be interested in.

Heading up to Griiffith Park by any chance?

I usually use Stellarium regardless but was curious what the 'biggest and best' were for this time of year. I've never observed at Griffith Park, we go up the freeway about an hour north to a mildly dark area. I should try Griffith Park sometime. 

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Theres a lot on at this time of year, though M31 might be just a bit of a smudge due it its low surface brightness. I guess the easier ones may be planetary nebs, globs or open clusters.... theres an awful lot you can see within (or close to) our own galaxy at the moment (my fave time of year), so no real need to look beyond.

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You've got a latitude advantage over us in the UK so will be able to view some of the lovely Sagittarius objects so here's my list, starting there:

M22 Globular Cluster

M6 Butterfly Cluster

M7 Ptolemy's Cluster

M8 Lagoon Nebula

M20 Trifid Nebula

M21 Open Cluster

M24 Star Cloud

M16 Swan or Omega Nebula

M17 Eagle Nebula

M11 Wild Duck Cluster

M13 Hercules Globular Cluster

M92 Globular Cluster

M27 Dumbbell Nebula

M57 Ring Nebula

Double Cluster

NGC457 Owl or ET Cluster

M31 Andromeda Galaxy

M15 Globular Cluster

M2 Globular Cluster

If you have a UHC or OIII filter it will help with the nebulae, and you could also give the Veil a go

Have fun

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